Miami Dade College Contemporary Moral Issue in Our Society Philosophy Questions

Miami Dade College Contemporary Moral Issue in Our Society Philosophy Questions

Contemporary Moral Issue in Our Society Philosophy

Ethics Quiz


Question 1

Cite a contemporary moral issue in our society. Apply one ethical theory learned in class to judge this moral issue. Use the theory’s claims in each paragraph to back up and support your arguments. You must have a minimum of five paragraphs. This question is worth 25 points. Not applying the ethical doctrine is an automatic zero.



Question 2

Most philosophers agree that moral dilemmas arise when people live in


 social groups









conjugal union



  1. Question 3

The study of morality has two main procedures

    1. T


    1. F


  1. Question 4

The origin of the word Ethics comes the Greek word ‘ethos’ which refers to:






ways of seeing


  1. Question 5

Ethics is not a subset of religion.

    1. T


    1. F


  1. Question 6

Which of the following best describes what Ethics is:

the study of human behavior and what is socially acceptable.



the study of right and wrong



the study of human nature



the study of the cosmos

  1. Question 7

Moral Relativism is the belief that morality is absolute and universal for all cultures.

    1. T


    1. F


  1. Question 8

An example of a moral proposition is

“You should not treat people badly.”




“I am going to feel sick”

“Nothing can be both X and not X.”

“My height is average”

  1. Question 9

The view that there are universal/eternal moral codes which exist in all societies is supported by







  1. Question 10

Moral relativists hold that morality is relative to:




all of the above. 

  1. Question 11

One of the problems with absolutes is what to do when they conflict.

    1. T


    1. F


  1. Question 12

According to the author of the text, truth is not relativistic.

    1. T


    1. F


  1. Question 13

Emotivism affirms that

 emotions are not the answer to morality

emotions must coexist with reason

in ehics, all emotions are considered immoral

moral propositions express emotions and feelings

  1. Question 14

In Ethics, there is only one kind of moral statement

    1. T


    1. F


  1. Question 15

The difference between psychological egoism and ethical egoism is that one is a descriptive position and the other one is a normative position.

    1. T


    1. F


  1. Question 16

Consequentialists believe that the core of morality is only founded on

the government laws

the outcomes of the action

the other person

the virtues of the action

  1. Question 17

Most philosophers believe that there is no relationship between the way people do behave and the manner in which they ought to behave

    1. T


    1. F


  1. Question 18

If you are a psychological egoist you believe

that people always or often do help themselves


that people should help the poor. 

that people should or ought to help themselves.

that people ought to help other humans

  1. Question 19

Everyone should act in their own self-interest according to the

individual ethical egoist

psychological egoist

personal ethical egoist

universal ethical egoist

  1. Question 20

Rule utilitarians think that

everyone should act only on universal exceptionless rules

everyone should act according to the rule that is in their self-interest.  

everyone should act only according to the rule “the end does not justify the means.”

everyone should act according to the rule that brings about the most good for all


  1. Question 21

The strength of Utilitarianism is that it focuses only on the majority

    1. T


    1. F


  1. Question 22

One of the downsides of Utilitarianism is that

It is based on duty and divorces happiness

It is difficult to measure all consequences


It is based exclusively on our self-interest  

It emphasizes actions rather than consequences 

  1. Question 23

British philosophers Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill developed the modern form of Utilitarianism.

    1. T


    1. F


  1. Question 24

Who stated that an action is considered moral if it brings good results for the majority

The mormons



The deontologists

The ethical egoists

The utilitarians

  1. Question 25

Utilitarianism is not an egoistic theory

    1. T


    1. F


  1. Question 26

Morality can only be judged with respect to particular situations, within the standards of particular belief systems and socio-historical contexts: this position is known as

Moral relativism

Objective moral facts

Social relativis

Normative ethics




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