
1. Perfect competition is a model of the market that assumes all of the following EXCEPT:

A) a large number of firms.

B) firms face downward-sloping demand curves.

C) firms produce identical goods.

D) many buyers.


2. Which of the following is true in a perfectly competitive market?

A) One unit of a good or service cannot be differentiated from any other on any basis.

B) Brand preferences exist but are very slight.

C) Barriers to entry are relatively strong.

D) Information is costly.


3. Marginal revenue:

A) is the slope of the average revenue curve.

B) equals the market price in perfect competition.

C) is the change in quantity divided by the change in total revenue.

D) is the price divided by the changes in quantity.


4. A firm’s total output times the price at which it sells that output is:

A) net revenue.

B) total revenue.

C) average revenue.

D) marginal revenue.


5. In perfect competition:

A) price and marginal cost are the same.

B) price and marginal revenue are the same.

C) price and total revenue are the same.

D) total revenue and total variable cost are the same.





Page 2

Use the following to answer questions 6-9:



6. (Exhibit: Profit Maximizing) The exhibit shows cost curves for a firm operating in a

perfectly competitive market. Curve M is the _______ curve.






7. (Exhibit: Profit Maximizing) The exhibit shows cost curves for a firm operating in a

perfectly competitive market. Curve N is the _______ curve.






8. (Exhibit: Profit Maximizing) The exhibit shows cost curves for a firm operating in a

perfectly competitive market. If the market price is P3, the firm will produce quantity

_______ and _______ in the short run.

A) q2; make a profit

B) q1; break even

C) q2; incur a loss

D) q4; incur a loss


9. (Exhibit: Profit Maximizing) The exhibit shows cost curves for a firm operating in a

perfectly competitive market. If the market price is P4:

A) firms will leave the industry and the price will fall in the long run.

B) there will be economic profits in the short run and firms will enter the industry in

the long run driving the market price lower.

C) the market supply curve will shift to the left and price will fall in the long run.

D) the firm will continue producing q3 and will continue to make economic profits in

the long run.





Page 3

Use the following to answer questions 10-11:



10. (Exhibit: A Perfectly Competitive Firm in the Short Run) The lowest price that will

yield zero economic profits is indicated by the price or cost labeled:

A) G.

B) F.

C) E.

D) N.


11. (Exhibit: A Perfectly Competitive Firm in the Short Run) The firm will produce in the

short run if the price is at least the price labeled:

A) F.

B) E.

C) N.

D) P.


Use the following to answer questions 12-13:



12. (Exhibit: Short-Run Costs) At the given price, the most profitable level of output occurs

at quantity:

A) N.

B) P.

C) S.

D) T.


13. (Exhibit: Short-Run Costs) This firm’s supply curve begins at quantity:

A) Q.

B) R.

C) S.

D) T.





Page 4

14. In long-run equilibrium, economic profits in a perfectly competitive industry are:

A) positive.

B) zero.

C) negative.

D) indeterminate.


15. Accountants use only _______ costs in their computations of short-run total cost.

A) opportunity

B) implicit

C) explicit costs

D) variable


16. A monopoly is likely to _______ and _______ than otherwise equivalent competitive


A) produce more; charge more

B) produce less; charge more

C) produce more; charge less

D) produce less; charge less


17. A monopoly is a market characterized by:

A) a product with no close substitutes.

B) a single buyer and several sellers.

C) a large number of small firms.

D) a small number of large firms.


18. The power a firm has to set is own price is called:

A) competition.

B) discrimination.

C) legislative control.

D) monopoly power.


19. A monopoly :

A) takes the market price as given.

B) determines its own price, given its demand curve.

C) achieves nearly the same resource allocation efficiency as perfect competition,

because it competes in the general marketplace for dollars.

D) is characterized by A and B.


20. A natural monopoly exists whenever a single firm:

A) is owned and operated by the federal or local government.

B) is investor owned but granted the exclusive right by the government to operate in a


C) confronts economies of scale over the entire range of production that is relevant to

its market.

D) has gained control over a strategic input of an important production process.





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Use the following to answer question 21:



21. (Exhibit: Computing Monopoly Profit) The profit-maximizing price is _______ and will

generate total economic profit of _______ .

A) P2; EF

B) P3; the rectangle P1P2FG

C) P3; the rectangle P2P3EF

D) P2; EF Do not pick D


22. If a monopolist is producing a quantity that generates MC < MR, then profit:

A) is maximized.

B) is maximized only if MC = P.

C) can be increased by increasing production.

D) can be increased by decreasing production.


Use the following to answer question 23:



23. (Exhibit: Computing Monopoly Profit) Total economic profit at the profit-maximizing

level of output is:

A) EF.

B) EF times Q.

C) price minus average total cost times the quantity where MR = MC.

D) described by B and C.





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Use the following to answer question 24:



24. (Exhibit: Demand, Elasticity, and Total Revenue) At point A on the demand curve in

Panel (a), the price elasticity of demand is:

A) greater than -1.

B) equal to -1.

C) less than -1.

D) none of the above.

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