MKT 315 Topic 4 DQ 1

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MKT 315 Topic 4 DQ 1

In their personal lives, people routinely purchase goods or services. At times, they “need” or “want” something new; or it is time to replace/replenish an existing product. Whether they need to purchase groceries, buy gas for the car, or stretch a bit to get that exciting new toy, their investment in “goods” is ongoing. Similarly, they utilize the services that companies provide to enrich, replenish, fulfill, maintain, or enhance their lives. Describe how a marketer could develop differing marketing strategies to target your personal use of goods or services. Provide a real-world example of a marketer who does this. Include links to relevant marketing pieces to illustrate your example. In replies to peers, discuss the effectiveness of marketers in targeting to personal use in the examples provided.


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