MKT 450 Grand Canyon Entire Course

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MKT 450 Grand Canyon Entire Course


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 1 Discussion 1

What potential issues could a business encounter if the marketing team has not adequately researched and constructed marketing strategies that incorporate product-marketing strategies, cash-flow and income projections? How much emphasis must be on income projections? Could these projections alter the proposed marketing strategies?


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 1 Discussion 2

What is the purpose of a strategic marketing plan? What basic components must be included in a marketing plan?


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 1 Assignment Market Segment Essay

Choose a “market segment” of interest to you. An example of a market segment is “consumers who purchase automobile insurance.” Research demographic and psychographic information about this segment. In a 250-500 word essay, describe the segment and what marketing opportunities you can associate with the segment.

A minimum of 3 references are required. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 2 Discussion 1

Why is accurate problem definition critical to the decision-making process?


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 2 Discussion 2

In your own words, briefly explain the key steps in the decision-making process.


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 2 Assignment Collaborative Learning Community

Marketing Plan Topic

This is a CLC Assignment.

1) In your instructor assigned CLC group: Teams are to begin researching and selecting a new product for the Strategic Marketing Plan assignment.

  1. a)      Each team should select a new product idea which is unique in the class. To minimize the chances of duplication of the product ideas, the selection of your product idea should be made as soon as possible and sent to your instructor for approval. The type of company and product selection must have come from group consensus and not group voting (that is, everyone has to agree).
  2. b)      Each Team should treat their product idea as a real business opportunity. Teams must be realistic and valid with their assumptions in every aspect of launching the new product.

Please submit a 250-500 word description of your team product.


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 3 Discussion 1

In your own words, what is opportunity analysis and why is it important to strategic marketing?


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 3 Discussion 2

What criteria would you suggest using when determining which segments a business should pursue?


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 3 Assignment Organic Growth Strategy Presentation Scenario

You work for the marketing department of a facility maintenance company (mechanical and janitorial maintenance).

The company is a national enterprise and is only engaged in office-building and school-building maintenance. Using the Organization Growth Strategies model (Figure 7.1 in text), describe how you would implement an organic growth strategy for this service organization.

Submit the plan in a 10-12 slide Power Point presentation including a title slide and reference slide, with a brief explanation of each bullet point included in the “Notes.”


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 4 Discussion 1

Refer to “Standards of Practice” on the American Association of Advertising Agencies website (”> and “Advertising Ethics and Principles” on the American Advertising Federation website (.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Principles-and-Practices-with-Commentary.pdf”> What do you take from them? Are such statements effective? Why or why not?


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 4 Discussion 2

How would a brand name like Kodak, Disney, or Coca Cola create customer value and provide some basis for product positioning and differentiation?


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 4 Benchmark Assignment Market Simulator Quarter 4 Summary

(Marketing Management, Product/Brand/Communication Strategy and Management)

At this point in the Market Simulation your team has assessed marketing opportunities and completed a test strategy for the success of your product. The results attained from the test strategy should guide any revisions required for the future of the product. Evaluate the marketing strategies currently in place. Individually, address the following in your description (500-750 words):

  1. Recommend a comprehensive marketing strategy for the future of the product. Justify your recommendations based on the progression of your product within the simulation.
  2. Project financial outcomes for the following year. Include marginal costs and marginal profits for your product.
  3. Determine competitive pricing strategies that support the growth of your product.
  4. Define specific product positioning that appeals to a selected target market.

This individual assessment will serve as your position of the product prior to developing the marketing plan as a group. It is important to clearly articulate your stance for the future of the product prior to developing the marketing plan. In the next topic, your group will evaluate all “Quarter 4 Summary” documents and develop a marketing plan for the product.

APA format is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is expected for all presentation formats, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 5 Discussion 1

Stoneman suggests that channel strategy is not normally associated with segmentation. Do you agree? Provide examples where segmentation is integrated into a channel strategy? Is segmentation effective?


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 5 Discussion 2

How does the use of dual distribution channels and multichannel systems affect the growth of a business?


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 5 CLC – Market Simulator – Marketing Plan

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

As your team continues to proceed through each quarter of the Market Simulator, it is essential to prepare an outline for your marketing plan. In the previous topic, each member of the group indiviudally developed a summary of the current status of the product. Consider all members’ summaries before beginning on a group marketing plan. The marketing outline will reflect each of the following concepts: Executive Summary

Review of Financial and Market Performance During the Previous Year Assessment of Current Situation and the Market

Marketing Strategy for the Next Year in the Business (What will it take to get ahead or stay ahead?)

  1. Brand strategy
  2. Pricing strategy
  3. Advertising strategy
  4. Sales channel

Pro Forma Financial Projections (Quarters 1-8)

Hint: Copy the pro forma in the simulation for quarters 1 to 4 into Excel and then add information/data for quarters 5 to 8.

Tactical Plan: (Quarters 1-8)

The tactical plan should articulate what is planned for each quarter, e.g., Q6-open three offices, Paris, London, and New York. Each office will staff 5 employees, one service and four sales personnel, with two sales staff for priority 1 and 2 target markets, at a determined cost. The reader should then be able to see the cost entry on the pro forma. In effect, every planned expenditure shown on the pro forma should include an explanation on the tactical plan. Revenue should reflect: how many units, at what price, are projected? What is cost of goods sold?

The outline for the marketing plan will require a developed written summary (500-750 words), a table to assess the current status with in the market, and the use of Excel.

APA format is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is expected for all presentation formats, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 6 Discussion 1

Monroe and Cox, in their article, “Pricing Practices That Endanger Profits,” provide eight pricing practices of companies that have a negative effect on profitability. Which do you consider the easiest to avoid or fix? Why? Explain your position using an example.


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 6 Discussion 2

What factors would you want to consider in evaluating profitability if you were a DVD movie and CD music retailer engaging in a price promotion strategy?


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 7 Discussion 1

Describe the key operations controls associated with the marketing plan developed during your simulation experience. Consider cost analysis, product-service mix control, sales control, and marketing channel control. Choose one of these considerations that you think carried the most weight as a key operations control of your marketing plan and explain why.


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 7 Discussion 2

What problems could your marketing plan encounter relating to the marketing controls?


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 8 Discussion 1

Bloom and Dalpe (1993) discuss some issues in marketing professional services. What are some of the marketing concepts involved in this article? Provide support for your analysis.


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 8 Discussion 2

Describe the benefits of glocalization for an organization focused on growth both locally and globally.


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 8 CLC – Market Simulator – Final Report

(Management – Comprehensive Marketing Programs)

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

Integrate the feedback you received from your instructor to finalize your team’s report to the Executive Board. The final report (750-1,000 words) should accomplish the following:

Summarize your financial and market performance during the second year.

Highlight key features of the business plan, including:

  1. Brand strategy 2. Pricing strategy
  2. Advertising strategy
  3. Sales channels

Assess your business strategy and performance during the second year and address the following:

  1. Compare actions taken against the marketing plan.
  2. Discuss departures from the marketing plan, including justification and outcomes.
  3. Review significant events that affected the company and/or market.

Finally, using the balance score card, assess your current situation and the market. Identify the firm’s strengths and weaknesses and summarize how you have prepared the firm to compete in the future.

APA format is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is expected for all presentation formats, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

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