MKT 450 Grand Canyon Week 1 Complete Work

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MKT 450 Grand Canyon Week 1 Complete Work


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 1 Discussion 1

What potential issues could a business encounter if the marketing team has not adequately researched and constructed marketing strategies that incorporate product-marketing strategies, cash-flow and income projections? How much emphasis must be on income projections? Could these projections alter the proposed marketing strategies?


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 1 Discussion 2

What is the purpose of a strategic marketing plan? What basic components must be included in a marketing plan?


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 1 Assignment Market Segment Essay

Choose a “market segment” of interest to you. An example of a market segment is “consumers who purchase automobile insurance.” Research demographic and psychographic information about this segment. In a 250-500 word essay, describe the segment and what marketing opportunities you can associate with the segment.

A minimum of 3 references are required. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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