MKT 450 Grand Canyon Week 3 Complete Work

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MKT 450 Grand Canyon Week 3 Complete Work


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 3 Discussion 1

In your own words, what is opportunity analysis and why is it important to strategic marketing?


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 3 Discussion 2

What criteria would you suggest using when determining which segments a business should pursue?


Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 3 Assignment Organic Growth Strategy Presentation Scenario

You work for the marketing department of a facility maintenance company (mechanical and janitorial maintenance).

The company is a national enterprise and is only engaged in office-building and school-building maintenance. Using the Organization Growth Strategies model (Figure 7.1 in text), describe how you would implement an organic growth strategy for this service organization.

Submit the plan in a 10-12 slide Power Point presentation including a title slide and reference slide, with a brief explanation of each bullet point included in the “Notes.”

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