Music Appreciation need by 10 pm day in 8 hours only 250 words

You are an opera composer. Choose a scene from a film you think would translate well into the operatic medium. Write your libretto, which should be a paraphrase of an important dialogue and accompanying dramatic event from the scene. Next, describe your answer to the following musical decisions: What part of the dialogue should be in recitative style, and what part should be in aria style? Carefully review the descriptions of aria and recitative in Chapter 5 of your text. How will you express the different personalities of the characters through music? How will you express the dramatic event musically? Consider musical elements such as instrumentation, volume, rhythm, speed, and melodic contour for the 2nd and 3rd questions.  (Please note that your scene should have dialogue but should not already have singing.  If it has singing already, please choose another portion of the movie/tv show that does not have singing as the music & whether it is recitative or aria has already been decided in that part. )

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