Need essay written for english

For this assignment, you will read and analyze the short story of The Necklace and present your findings in a five-paragraph essay. Here is the link to the story!     Analyze the story. Write a summary of the story that provides an overview of all the parts of plot. (one paragraph) Next, analyze one of the main characters from the story. (one paragraph) Third, discuss internal and external conflicts in the story. (one paragraph) Fourth, identify the irony (verbal, dramatic, and/or situational) used within the story. Give specific details to explain how the irony is developed. (one paragraph) Last, state one possible theme, and support that theme with specific examples from the story. (one paragraph)

3.       Double-check all instructions so you do not leave anything out. Final drafts must be typed according to the MLA guidelines: size 12 font, double-spaced, and standard, one-inch margins. 

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