NSG416 University of Phoenix Benner’s Novice to Expert Theory analysis

University of Phoenix NSG/416

Analyze Benner’s novice to expert theory. Your analysis should include the following:

  • Description of the theory’s background and influencing factors, including worldview
  • Explanation of the underlying assumptions
  • Evaluation of major strengths and weaknesses
  • Application strategies for clinical practice
  • Citation of case example from personal or professional life that describe the application in practice

Cite a minimum of three sources in-text and include a page or slide with APA-formatted references, depending on how you format your assignment.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

  • 1,050- to 1225-word paper

Here is my work experience: I used to work as a private duty nurse,A pediatric case manager at a home health agency, A rehabilitation hospital for adults and I am currently working as a Pediatric RN Care manager for an MCO company.

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