NUR 440 Final Project Milestone Three Assignment

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NUR 440 Final Project Milestone Three Assignment

NUR 440 Final Project Milestone Three: Annotated Bibliography Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: In Milestone Two, you formulated your PICO(T) question. For Milestone Three, you will construct an annotated bibliography by using your PICO(T) to
guide your research. The annotated bibliography will assist you in gathering a detailed list of resources to use in your integrative review of the literature. An
annotated bibliography is an organized list of sources with an accompanying paragraph that describes, explains, and/or evaluates each entry in terms of quality,
authority, and relevance. The purpose of writing an annotated bibliography is to provide an overview of the research that has been published on a particular
Prompt: For this milestone, you will prepare an annotated bibliography with at least six citations. An annotation concisely paraphrases the main idea and
purpose of the selected resource. The annotation of a scholarly journal should identify the thesis (or research question, or hypothesis), the methods used, and its
discussion or conclusions. Remember that identifying the purpose is a different task than listing the resource’s contents. To be more precise, the annotation
should state why the contents are there. While constructing your annotations, be sure to include the following critical elements:
? Restate argument or thesis, methods, and conclusions (1–2 sentences)
? Evaluate/critique resource (1–2 sentences)
? Make connection to PICO(T) question (1–2 sentences)
Guidelines for Submission: Your annotated bibliography must be submitted as a 4–6 page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and six sources cited in APA format. Your chosen sources must be recent (within the last five years), peer-reviewed, scholarly
journal articles, and should appear in alphabetical order.

NUR 440 Final Project Milestone Two

NUR 440 Final Project Milestone Two: PICO(T) Guidelines and Rubric Overview: In Milestone One, you submitted a topic proposal for instructor approval and feedback. For Milestone Two, you will incorporate any feedback and formulate a PICO(T) question which will guide your research for the integrative review of the literature. Your PICO(T) question will assist you in the process of finding and evaluating evidence related to your outcome as you continue to build upon your final project. Prompt: For this milestone, you will turn your topic into a PICO(T) question by answering each of the questions posed below: ? Identify the population of interest; what are their characteristics? Specifically, what group of individuals will be impacted by your identified intervention? ? What is the intervention of interest? (Intervention) ? What is the comparison intervention? (Comparison) ? What consequences are we interested in? (Outcome) ? What is the time frame? If a specified time frame is not appropriate for your question, please articulate why a time frame is not applicable. For examples of PICO(T), refer to your module resources. Guidelines for Submission: Your PICO(T) question must be submitted as a 1–2 paragraph Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and any sources cited in APA format. NUR 440 Final Project Milestone Three Assignment

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