NURS 6002 Foundations Of Graduate Study Assignment

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NURS 6002 Foundations Of Graduate Study Assignment

Academic and Professional Success Plan

Prepared by:

This document is to be used for NURS 6002 Foundations of Graduate Study to complete Assessments 1-6. Just as importantly the document serves to organize your thoughts about planning for your academic and professional success.

For specific instructions see the weekly assessment details in the course, or ask your instructor for further guidance.

Week 1 | Part 1: My Academic and Professional Network

I have identified and secured the participation of the following academic (at least two) and professional (at least two) individuals and/or teams to form the basis of my network. This network will help me to clarify my vision for success and will help guide me now and in the future.

Directions: Complete the information below for each member of your network. For more than four entries repeat the items below with details of your additional network member(s) in the ‘ADDITIONAL NETWORK MEMBERS’ section.




Title:  Nursing Manager


Organization: Aurora Behavioral Health


Academic or Professional:  Professional


Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

I selected this individual because of her leadership school. Despite the pressure at her workplace she is well coordinated and will never transfer aggression to her staff. She is a good listener and was resourceful to me during my BSN.  She thinks carefully and she has the ability to bounce idea back and forth with me






Title: PMH-NP



Organization: Aurora Behavioral Health



Academic or Professional: Professional



Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:


Notes: I choose Bukola because she has been working with this organization for eight years. She started as a floor nurse in this organization, became a charge nurse and went back to school to be Psychiatry nurse practitioner. She gave me the push I need to go back to school. She brought some textbooks she used when she did hers.  She is well experienced in psychiatry nursing.  

NURS 6002: Foundations of Graduate Study

Academic and Professional Success Plan Template

Prepared by:


This document is to be used for NURS 6002 Foundations of Graduate Study to complete Assessments 1-6. Just as importantly the document serves to organize your thoughts about planning for your academic and professional success.

For specific instructions see the weekly assessment details in the course, or ask your instructor for further guidance.

Week 1 | Part 1: My Academic and Professional Network

It is critical for me to create a professional network, so that when I find a job, I have other professionals that I can rely on to help me navigate my new profession. Schmidt (n.d.) recommends that developing a professional network is the single best way to ensure that you get to work in your chosen specialty or in a field you are truly interested in. This starts at the academic level, but then follows one throughout their professional career. Thus, it is important to identify what members are only members of an academic network, and while can be converted to part of a professional network, at a later date.

This can also be related to Walden’s goals and University Outcomes. The first goal is to “provide multi-contextual educational opportunities for career learners” which is increasingly possible thought networking, because it provides access to those multiple contexts. In other words, the more people, in multiple situations, that I know, the more opportunities that I have to learn from those contexts. This also helps expand my understanding of different cultures and contexts. This directly connects with other goals like innovation, learning, and accessing diverse learning processes. Thus, I will focus on building networks in order to support my educational goals, and my professional goals.


Name: The Faculty in the Walden University Program of Study

Title: My Professors

Organization: Walden University

Academic or Professional: Academic

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

I have selected Walden University as the place that I will study nursing,and get my degree. The university has an excellent reputation, and so the staff offers expertise that will help me prepare for my chosen career path. Phyllis Morgan (Laureate Education, 2018) states that the staff at Walden university are passionate about teaching and student success, and that they want to see students succeed. This makes them an important part of my academic network and my path toward success. I can use them as a resource when I am struggling in my classes, and they have a responsibility and a desire to help me overcome those obstacles, in order to be a success in that setting.


Name: Robert Harper

Title: Academic Advisor

Organization: Walden University

Academic or Professional: Academic

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

This person is responsible for helping me chart my path through the University phase of my educational life. He helps me set my schedule, determine which instructors would be the best fit for certain classes and more. From my first semester, this person, as an academic advisor, has had resources to help me be more successful in my chosen course of study. He has also helped me navigate various elements of the academic setting, like the online resources, how to get into Canvas and other programs. Professionally he has and will continue to help me find practicum locations that are suitable to my professional goals.


Name: Blue Pipes

Title: Medical Online Networking

Organization: Professional

Academic or Professional: Professional

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

it is important, in this modern age, to determine the best way to communicate with a wide variety of professionals in the field of medicine online. This offers a unique way to get in contact with diverse people and have informal conversations, that helps me begin to build those professional networking connections with a large number of people. Wafford (2018) encourages the use of social media as a way to build a professional network. Blue Pipes has a large built in network and will allow me to make the connections I need for both placement during my practicum, and long-term within the professional network to get the jobs I most want.


Name: Modupe Adefeso BSN, RN

Title: Fellow Nursing Student at Walden University (MSN Candidate)

Organization: Walden University

Academic or Professional: Professional and Academic

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

Building friendships with peers who are working on the same level as you are important. Modupe has been my study partner throughout my experience here at Walden, and that makes it an important part of Academic network. However, as we move into the clinical phase of our education, it is clear to me that she will remain one of my professional network members as we begin practicing professionally. We will be able to talk about cases, share ideas, and more.


Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2018). The Walden Journey to a Masters in Nursing: The Journey Begins [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Schmidt, K. (n.d.). 5 reasons nurses should engage in professional networking [Blog post]. Retrieved April 8, 2019, from

Wofford, P. (2018, May 24). 10 networking tips for nurses who hate networking. Retrieved from


Week 2 | Part 2: Academic Resources and Strategies

· Clearly identify and accurately describe in detail at least three academic resources or strategies that can be applied to the MSN program.

· Clearly identify and accurately describe in detail at least three professional resources that can be applied to success in the nursing practice in general or in a specialty.

· Clearly and thoroughly explain in detail how you intend to use these resources, and how they might benefit you academically and professionally.

Remember to include an introduction paragraph which contains a clear and comprehensive purpose statement which delineates all required criteria, and end the assignment Part with a conclusion paragraph.

Academic Resource/Strategy 1

Academic Resource/Strategy 2

Academic Resource/Strategy 3

Professional Resource/Strategy 1

Professional Resource/Strategy 2

Professional Resource/Strategy 3


Week 3 | Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

I have analyzed the relationship between academic integrity and writing, as well as the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics. I have also identified strategies I intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of my academic work while a student of the MSN program, as well as my professional work as a nurse throughout my career. The results of these efforts are shared below.

Directions: In the space below craft your analysis/writing sample, including Part 1 (The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity) and Part 2 (Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work). Utilize headings formatted in proper APA throughout each Part to clearly identify key topic area requirements.

Remember to include an introduction paragraph which contains a clear and comprehensive purpose statement which delineates all required criteria, and end the assignment Part with a conclusion paragraph.

Part 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity

In the space below write a 2- 3-paragraph analysis that includes the following:

· Clearly and accurately explains in detail the relationship between academic integrity and writing.

· Clearly and accurately explains in detail the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics.

· Accurately cite at least 2 resources that fully support your arguments, being sure to use proper APA formatting.

· Use Grammarly and SafeAssign to improve the product.

· Clearly and accurately describe in detail how Grammarly, SafeAssign, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity. Include sufficient evidence that Grammarly and SafeAssign were utilized to improve responses.

PART 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work

Expand on your thoughts from Part 1 by:

· Clearly identifying and accurately describing strategies you intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of your 1) academic work while a student of the MSN program, and 2) professional work as a nurse throughout your career.

· Include a clearly developed review of resources and approaches you propose to use as a student and a professional.

Week 4 | Part 4: Research Analysis

I have identified one topic of interest for further study. I have researched and identified one peer-reviewed research article focused on this topic and have analyzed this article. The results of these efforts are shared below.

Directions: Complete Step 1 by using the table and subsequent space below identify and analyze the research article you have selected. Complete Step 2 by summarizing in 2-3 paragraphs the results of your analysis using the space identified.

Remember to include an introduction paragraph which contains a clear and comprehensive purpose statement which delineates all required criteria, and end the assignment Part with a conclusion paragraph.

Step 1: Research Analysis

Complete the table below

Topic of Interest:
Research Article: Include full citation in APA format, as well as link or search details (such as DOI)
Professional Practice Use:

One or more professional practice uses of the theories/concepts presented in the article

Research Analysis Matrix

Add more rows if necessary

Strengths of the Research Limitations/Weaknesses of the Research Relevancy to Topic of Interest Notes

Step 2: Summary of Analysis

· Write a 2- to 3-paragraph summary that you will add to your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan that includes the following:

· Clearly and accurately describe in detail your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research.

· Clearly identify and accurately describe in detail at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research.

· Provide a complete, detailed, and specific synthesis of at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research.

· Integrate at least one outside resource and 2-3 course specific resources to fully support your summary.

Week 5 | Part 5: Professional Development

I have developed a curriculum vitae to capture my academic and professional accomplishments to date. I have also developed a statement identifying one or more professional development goals, and a statement proposing how I might align one or more of these professional development goals with the University’s emphasis on social change.

The results of my efforts are below.

Directions: Complete Step 1 by developing (or copying and pasting) a curriculum vitae (CV) in the space provided. Complete Step 2 by clearly identifying and accurately stating in detail your professional development goals. Complete Step 3 by clearly and accurately stating in detail how to accurately and appropriately align one or more of your professional development goals with the University’s emphasis on social change.

Remember to include an introduction paragraph which contains a clear and comprehensive purpose statement which delineates all required criteria, and end the assignment Part with a conclusion paragraph.

Step 1: Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Use the space below to create a fully developed and accurate curriculum vitae (CV) based on your current education and professional background. Alternatively, you may write this in a separate document and copy/paste the results below.

NOTE: If needed there are a variety of online resources available with tips and samples of graduate nurse CVs.

Step 2: Professional Development Goals

Step 3: Alignment with Social Change


Week 6 | Part 6: Finalizing the Plan

I have considered various options for my nursing specialty, including a close look at my selected (or currently preferred) specialty and second-preferred specialty. I have also developed a justification of my selected (or preferred) specialty. Lastly, I have examined one professional organization related to my selected or preferred specialty and considered how I can become a member of this organization.

The results of my efforts are below.

Directions: Complete Step 1 by writing 2-3 paragraphs in the space below comparing the nursing specialty you have selected – or the one you prefer if your choice is still under consideration – to your second preference. Identify each specialty and describe the focus and the role that graduates are prepared for. Identify any other differentiators you feel are significant, especially those that helped or may help you reach a decision.

Complete Step 2 by writing a paragraph identifying and justifying your reasons for choosing your MSN specialization. Be sure to incorporate any feedback you received from colleagues in this week’s Discussion Forum.

Complete Step 3 by examining and identifying one professional organization related to your selected or preferred specialty. Explain how you can become a member of this organization.

Remember to include an introduction paragraph which contains a clear and comprehensive purpose statement which delineates all required criteria, and end the assignment Part with a conclusion paragraph.

Step 1: Comparison of Nursing Specialties

Step 2: Justification of Nursing Specialty

Step 3: Professional Organizations


– END –


Learning Resources

Required Readings

American Nurses Association. (n.d.). Resources to succeed. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from

Kauffman, H. (2015). A review of predictive factors of student success in and satisfaction with online learning. Research in Learning Technology, 23, 1–13. Retrieved from

Online Colleges. (n.d.). 10 traits of a successful online learner. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Scholarly voice: Active and passive voice. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Walden templates: Overview. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from


Note: Download and review the School of Nursing template by navigating to “Program-Specific Templates” and then “School of Nursing” and selecting “School of Nursing Writing Template With Instructions.”

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Walden templates: School of Nursing Writing Template with Instructions. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from


Note: Download and review the School of Nursing template by selecting the “General Templates” link and then selecting “School of Nursing Writing Template With Instructions.”

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Writing a paper: Revising. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from

10 Tips for Being a Successful Online Learner (PDF)

Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template (Word document)

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Tips for effective online composition and communication [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.



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If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.

Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

Week 1 | Part 1: My Academic and Professional Network

When joining college, nursing students are usually gray in many areas, and professional knowledge develops as they learn concepts in their respective fields and network with peers. For nurses to complete their programs successfully, academic and professional support is essential. This support is enhanced by collaborating inter-professionally. Interprofessional collaboration is vital in nursing since it provides nurses with platforms for social and professional interaction as they work in teams (Moss et al., 2016). It is a way to share knowledge and resources. Networking opens a broader sphere of influence. According to Goolsby and Knestrick (2017), professional networking is an element that enables nurses to communicate with others with shared interests and expertise. It creates relationships that support new opportunities. Khanum et al. (2016) further mentioned that interdisciplinary networking provides nurses with contacts for personal development and establishing contacts that make them better patient care providers. This section of my plan describes the academic and professional resources that I believe will be instrumental in my nursing program.



Name: Karen Ouzts

Title: Program Director

Organization: Walden University

Academic or Professional: Academic

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:


Notes:  When pursuing any professional program in a learning institution, it is crucial to look for people who can guide when academic matters are not progressing as expected. They are the people to consult due to their in-depth experience about the practice and educational issues. Dr. Ouzts is well-conversant with Walden University’s academic structure and how the nursing environment operates, having taught in the university for about a decade. She has also taught various courses whose concepts are applicable in many nursing areas and can be consulted on them. They include the role of nurses in population health and preserving health in a diverse society. As a scholar, Dr. Ouzts has written various books and articles, which I will read to improve my experience.




Name: MSN Colleagues

Title: RN/MSN/NP Students

Organization: Walden University

Academic or Professional: Academic

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

Notes: Excellence and comfort in nursing depend largely on how nurses team up with their colleagues in the same programs. Under the same program, nurse students handle the same assignments and discuss concepts from different perspectives. MSN colleagues would be vital in discussing issues and overcoming challenges I am likely to experience in the program. The support system we will establish would be critical in forming future networks to enable us to get employment and understand practice requirements and changes occurring every day. I look forward to learning from my colleagues as they learn from me as well.


Name: Dr. Shari Lawson

Title: MD; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Organization: Johns Hopkins Medicine

Academic or Professional: Professional

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:


Notes: As I pursue the MSN program, it is crucial to keep learning from others, particularly those involved in the practice directly. Such individuals are adequately informed on matters happening in practice as situations change and how nursing matters, including illness dynamics, change over time. Through them, nurses get insight into how to utilize their knowledge to address population needs. Due to her broad experience in the health practice as an employee of Johns Hopkins, Dr. Shari Lawson would be crucial in research matters and information on emerging issues and how to prepare well to meet the changing professional demands.





Name: Diane Whitehead

Title: Program Director

Organization: Walden University

Academic or Professional: Academic

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

Notes: Diane Whitehead is experienced and honored in many areas of the nursing practice. She has been actively teaching and administering associate degree, bachelor, and graduate nursing programs for a while. Also, she has published several books on the nursing practice and online nursing education. I chose her due to her vast experience in evidence-based practice, having taught several courses in this area. Lehane et al. (2019) and Chien (2019) noted that nurses implement research findings to improve patient outcomes, the work environment, and the clinical practice through evidence-based practice. As I look forward to gaining more knowledge on my program, I will also be looking for guidance and knowledge to supplement what I will be learning. I believe that Diane Whitehead is among the most suited to guide me in this area.


Nursing Association (ANA) Members

Title: RN/MSN/NP

Organization: American Nursing Association

Academic or Professional: Professional

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

Notes:  As a nurse student or when actively engaged in the nursing profession, nurses need a lot of information about professional demands, ideas of excellence or failure, and changes characterizing the health practice over time. The best people to liaise with are those registered in professional bodies. Since these professional bodies have options for nurse students, it is crucial to register to get a chance to know how the health care industry operates. I look forward to benefiting from representation as I use the professional network to expand my knowledge and access more information and resources to become an excellent and committed nurse.

In conclusion, networking enhances professional knowledge diversely. Although nurses gain a lot of information through classwork, they need to discuss concepts from different perspectives, hence networking with their colleagues. Challenges are part of the practice, and nurses require guidance in many areas. Academic and professional networks are the ideal sources of the required support system.




Chien, L. Y. (2019). Evidence-based practice and nursing research. The Journal of Nursing Research27(4), e29. doi: 

Goolsby, M. J., & Knestrick, J. M. (2017). Effective professional networking. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners29(8), 441-445. doi: 10.1002/2327-6924.12484

Khanum, S., Souza, M. D. L. D., Naz, N., Sasso, G. T. M. D., Brüggemann, O. M., & Heideman, I. T. S. B. (2016). The use of networking in nursing practice—An integrative review. Societies6(3), 22.

Lehane, E., Leahy-Warren, P., O’Riordan, C., Savage, E., Drennan, J., O’Tuathaigh, C., … & Hegarty, J. (2019). Evidence-based practice education for healthcare professions: an expert view. BMJ evidence-based medicine24(3), 103-108.

Moss, E., Seifert, P. C., & O’Sullivan, A. (2016). Registered nurses as interprofessional collaborative partners: creating value-based outcomes. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing21(3). doi: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol21No03Man04

Rubric Detail

Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.

Name: NURS_6003_Module01_Week01_Assignment_Rubric
Grid View
List View
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Complete Part 1 of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template. Be sure to address the following:

· Identify at least two academic and at least two professional individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse.
32 (32%) – 35 (35%)
The response clearly and accurately identifies at least two academic individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse.

The response clearly and accurately identifies at least two professional individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse.
28 (28%) – 31 (31%)
The response partially identifies at least two academic individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse.

The response partially identifies at least two professional individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in the MSN program and as practicing nurse.
25 (25%) – 27 (27%)
The response identifies only one academic individual or team to collaborate with to be successful in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse.

The response identifies only one professional individual or team to collaborate with to be successful in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse.
0 (0%) – 24 (24%)
The response identifying at least two academic individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

The response identifying at least two professional individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.
· Explain why these individuals and/or teams were selected and how they will support success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse.
45 (45%) – 50 (50%)
Response clearly and thoroughly explains in detail why the academic and professional individuals/teams were selected to support success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse.

Response clearly and accurately explains how the academic and professional individuals/teams will support success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse.
40 (40%) – 44 (44%)
Response explains why the academic and professional individuals/teams were selected to support success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse.

Response explains how the academic and professional individuals/teams will support success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse.
35 (35%) – 39 (39%)
Explanation of why the academic and professional individuals/teams were selected to support success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse is vague or inaccurate.

Explanation of how the academic and professional individuals/teams will support success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse is vague or inaccurate.
0 (0%) – 34 (34%)
Explanation of why the academic and professional individuals/teams were selected to support success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Explanation of how the academic and professional individuals/teams will support success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.
Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:

Paragraphs make clear points that support well developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused–neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction is provided which delineates all required criteria.
5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity.

A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion is provided which delineates all required criteria.
4 (4%) – 4 (4%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time.

Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is stated, yet is brief and not descriptive.
3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%- 79% of the time.

Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is vague or off topic.
0 (0%) – 3 (3%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time.

No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion was provided.
Written Expression and Formatting – English writing standards:
Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation
5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.
4 (4%) – 4 (4%)
Contains a few (1-2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)
Contains several (3-4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
0 (0%) – 3 (3%)
Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.
Written Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, running head, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Uses correct APA format with no errors.
4 (4%) – 4 (4%)
Contains a few (1-2) APA format errors.
3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)
Contains several (3-4) APA format errors.
0 (0%) – 3 (3%)
Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.
Total Points: 100
Name: NURS_6003_Module01_Week01_Assignment_Rubric


Student Support and Calendar Information

So you have all key information available to you off-line, it is highly recommended that you print the following items for your reference:

  • This Syllabus, including the Course Schedule that is linked on this page as a PDF
  • Course Calendar
  • Support, Guidelines, and Policies

Credit Hours

  • 3 credits in 11 weeks

Walden University assigns credit hours based on the number and type of assignments that enable students to achieve the course learning objectives. In general, each semester credit equals about 42 hours of total student work and each quarter credit equals about 28 hours of total student work. This time requirement represents an approximate average for undergraduate work and the minimum expectations for graduate work. The number and kind of activities estimated to fulfill time requirements will vary by degree level and student learning style, and by student familiarity with the delivery method and course content. Part 2: Academic Resources and Strategies NURS 6003

Course Description

In this course students are introduced to Walden University and online learning. Students explore strategies for the successful participation in an online curriculum. Students also will receive a foundation for academic and professional success as scholar-practitioners and social change agents. Course assignments introduce students to resources that support success, development of graduate-level writing skills and use of APA Style, academic integrity, and the creation of a professional development plan based on each student’s chosen specialization.

Course Learning Outcomes

By the conclusion of this course, you should be able to:

Develop networks for academic and professional success.

Identify strategies for academic and professional success.

Apply strategies to promote academic integrity and professional ethics.

Analyze peer-reviewed research related to issues in nursing practice.

Create academic success and professional development plans.

Justify selection of MSN specializations using standards and scope of practice. Part 2: Academic Resources and Strategies NURS 6003

College of Nursing Alignment of Learner Outcomes

Click on the following link to access the College of Nursing Alignment of Learner Outcomes:


Course Materials

Please visit the University bookstore via your Walden student portal to ensure you are obtaining the correct version of any course texts and/or materials noted in the following section. When you receive your materials, make sure that all required items are included.

Course Text

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

Note: If the print edition of these books are referenced here, electronic versions also may be available and may be acceptable for use in this course. If an electronic version is listed, no print version is available.

Note: Please keep this text as it will be used in subsequent courses in your MSN program.

Other readings (journal articles, websites, book excerpts, etc.) are assigned throughout the course and may be found within each Module.


Assigned course media elements may be found in one or more modules of the course and are available via a streaming media player or a hyperlink to the individual item.

Course Readings List

The Course Readings List contains all of the required Walden Library resources for this course. Please click on the following link to access the list:

Dedicated Support for Course Media

You may use the following e-mail address and toll-free number for any questions or concerns you have about media in the course.

Primary and Secondary Sources

Review the following information prior to selecting resources for assignments.

Primary: A primary source is an original document that is the first account of what happened. A research report is primary, and you can tell because it includes materials and methods demonstrating how the research was done. Some creative work is also primary, such as poetry, novels, and interviews of people who experienced something firsthand. In nursing, which is an evidence-based discipline, we strive to use primary research that is published in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.Part 2: Academic Resources and Strategies NURS 6003

Scholarly, peer-reviewed journal: Scholarly journals publish papers by professional authors and experts in the field using a peer-review process to review the work and assure quality before publishing. The focus of a scholarly journal is to provide accurate information for scholars and other researchers. The focus is on content rather than advertising, a direct contrast to popular media. Scholarly journals publish both primary and secondary papers, the former usually noted as original research and the latter as reviews and commentaries. Letters to the editor may also be published but should be recognized as opinion pieces.

Note: When selecting articles for course assignments, you are advised (unless you are referencing seminal information) to focus on work published within the past five years.

Secondary: A secondary source is one step removed from the original source. This work interprets and often compiles other work, and it includes review articles, textbooks, fact sheets, and commentaries about a topic. It also includes news reports of original research. Secondary work is more prone to error and bias than primary work because it is being filtered through an additional person or persons. Review papers can be useful to glean information about a topic and to find other sources from the reference list, but it is the original, primary research that should be relied on most heavily in demonstrating scholarship, depth, and validation of factual information. Part 2: Academic Resources and Strategies NURS 6003

Course Assignments

  1. Participation in weekly Discussions: The exchange of ideas among colleagues engaged in scholarly inquiry is a key aspect of learning and is a requisite activity in this course. You are expected to participate each week by posting a response to a prompt or question in the weekly Discussion area. In addition, you are expected to respond to your fellow students’ postings. To count as participation, responses need to be thoughtful; that is, they must refer to the week’s readings, relevant issues in the news, information obtained from other sources, and/or ideas expressed in the postings of other class members. You may ask questions or offer further information or links about the subject. Please pay attention to grammar and spelling, as consistently poorly written posts will receive grade penalties. In grading the required Discussion postings, your Instructor will be using the Discussion Posting and Response Rubric, located in the Course Information area.Note: Unless otherwise noted, initial postings to Discussions are due on or before Day 3, and response postings are due on or before Day 6. You are required to participate in the Discussion on at least three different days (a different day for main post and each response). It is important to adhere to the weekly time frame to allow others ample time to respond to your posting. In addition, you are expected to respond to questions directed toward your own initial posting in a timely manner.
  2. Assignments: The Assignments provide you with the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge gained through the Learning Resources and the practicum experience. See the Assignment area of specific weeks for detailed descriptions of the assignments. In grading the required Assignments, your Instructor will be using rubrics located in the Course Information area.Note: The course Assignments will require that you completely and accurately demonstrate critical thinking via assimilation and synthesis of ideas when using credible, outside and course specific resources (i.e. video, required readings, textbook), when comparing different points of view, highlighting similarities, differences, and connections, and/or when lending support to your Assignment responses.
  3. Portfolio Assignment: Each course in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program for the following specializations includes a Portfolio Assignment: Nursing Education, Nurse Executive, Nursing Informatics, and Public Health Nursing. The Portfolio Assignment is designed to measure specific professional knowledge and skills as outlined in the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Master’s Essentials. Students submit the Portfolio Assignment in the online classroom and a criterion-based scoring rubric is used to grade the assignment. The rubric is aligned with American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Master’s Essentials and provides specific and informative feedback on your performance. The Portfolio Assignment is evaluated by the course Instructor.

Grading Criteria and Total Components of a Grade

Course grades will be based on participation (postings) and completion of assignments listed below.

Letter grades will be assigned as follows:

90%–100% = A
80%–89% = B
70%–79% = C
< 70% = F

Please see below for the policy on Incomplete (I) grades.

* Each Discussion requires that you make one initial posting and at least two response postings to colleagues. See the Discussion Posting and Response Rubric for posting details.
**This is the Portfolio Assignment for this course.

Incomplete Grade Policy

Per University policy, Incomplete grades can be granted only to students who have already met the minimum criteria for active weekly participation in a course (including weekly postings in online courses) and have completed at least 80% of other coursework. Incompletes can be awarded when, because of extenuating circumstances, a student has not met additional course requirements, including but not limited to written assignments, group projects, and research papers, as applicable. All Incomplete grades are awarded at the discretion of the course faculty. (Reproduced from Student Catalog)

Students who are eligible for an Incomplete must contact the Course Faculty to request the grade as soon as possible. Students who do not meet the criteria listed above will not be allowed to earn an Incomplete. If the Incomplete is approved, the Faculty Member will work with the student to outline the due date(s) for remaining work. Under no circumstances will the new due dates extend beyond 50 days from the last day of the term. Faculty will then have 10 days to assess the work and post the permanent grade before the University-allotted Incomplete time limit of 60 days expires. All Incomplete grades not resolved within the time allotted will convert to permanent grades of F.

Instructor Feedback Schedule

The Instructor will log in to the course during the week to monitor the weekly Discussion area. Feedback will be provided via the My Grades area, the Discussion area, and/or the Announcements page.

Instructor feedback and explanation is provided whenever full credit is not achieved. Depending on the nature of the feedback, Instructor responses may be posted to the Discussion area or included in the My Grades area. The goal of your Instructor is to act as a discussion and learning facilitator rather than a lecturer. The Instructor will not respond to every posting by every individual, so please feel free to ask your Instructor if you would like some personal feedback on a particular assignment posting or any time you have any questions regarding your assignments or your grade.

For most assignments, you can expect your grades and/or feedback to be posted within five calendar days after the due date. Some assignments may require more than five days for your instructor to provide you with quality feedback.

Course Procedures

  • All class Discussions take place in the weekly Discussion areas.
  • You are encouraged to post course-related questions to the Contact the Instructor area as they may be of interest to all; however, if your question is urgent, it is often best to email the Instructor. If your emailed question is thought to be of benefit to all, it may be responded to by the Instructor via email to all or posted as an announcement.
  • Instructor feedback on content and writing issues that is thought to be of benefit to the entire class may be posted to the Contact the Instructor area; however, most personal critique will be done privately in the Grade Center. Be sure to check the Grade Center for comments every week even if you received full credit.
  • Please feel free to use the Class Café to initiate and participate in conversations not directly related to the course. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know other students better. The Instructor will browse the Class Café occasionally but generally will not respond to conversations posted there unless students have specific questions for him or her.
  • Check the email account you use for official Walden University business on a regular basis. The expectation is that you are checking this email account daily during the week. If you experience difficulty sending or receiving Walden email, please contact the Customer Care Team right away. Contact information for the Customer Care Team is located in the Student Support area.
  • Review all materials in the Course Information area, as well as the materials contained under each of the weekly buttons.

Note: There are Optional Readings located within the Learning Resources section of each week in the course. You are encouraged to explore these readings, as needed, in order to enhance your understanding of the course content.

Preferred Methods for Delivering Assignments

  1. Be sure that you post to the correct Discussion area each week. Do not e-mail postings to the Instructor. For all initial Discussion postings, make sure that the first sentence of your posting reads Main Question Post. For your responses to others’ response postings, make sure that the first sentence of your response reads Response. These actions will ensure easily identifiable subject lines for your postings and responses.
  2. Application Assignments are submitted to the SafeAssign link and named according to the week in which the Assignment is submitted. Directions for naming each Application Assignment are included in each week’s Assignment area. Please be sure that all written Application Assignments are saved and submitted as a “.doc” file.
  3. All e-mail correspondence must contain in the subject line “ABCD 1234-XX-NAME” (ABCD = course prefix, 1234 = course number, XX = section number) followed by a brief description of the subject. This subject line convention ensures that your e-mail will be easily identified and responded to in a timely manner. It is required that the e-mail contain a signature that matches the official name used in the course.

Late Assignment Policy

Students are expected to submit assignments by the due dates noted in the course. In extenuating circumstances, such as illness, the student must contact the Instructor as soon as possible to discuss the situation. In those circumstances, Faculty will determine the appropriate course of action for the student. Depending on the situation, these actions may include recommendations to drop the course (if within the university drop/withdrawal period), acceptance of some or all of the overdue assignments with or without penalties, or failure to accept assignments.

Assignments submitted late without prior agreement of the Instructor, outside of an emergency absence, or in violation of agreements for late submission, will receive a grade reduction for the assignment amounting up to 20%. After 5 days, the assignment will not be graded. Students should be aware that late assignments may not receive the same level of written feedback as do assignments submitted on time.

Keeping Your Coursework

You will have access to the course and your coursework from the course start date until 60 days after the course ends. After this time, you will no longer be able to access the course or related materials. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you retain copies of your completed assignments and any documents you wish to keep. The university is not responsible for lost or missing coursework.

Course Evaluation

At or near the end of the course, you will receive an email inviting you to submit an online evaluation of the course and instruction. All submitted course evaluations are confidential, and only aggregate data and comments will be shared with the Instructor and Program Director. Your feedback is vitally important to Walden University in its efforts to continuously improve programs.

Students With Disabilities

Students in this course who have a disability that might prevent them from fully demonstrating their abilities should contact the director of at  or at 1-800-925-3368, ext. 312-1205 and +1-612-925-3368 or  for international toll-free numbers as soon as possible to initiate disability verification and discuss accommodations that may be necessary to ensure full participation in the successful completion of course requirements.

Classroom Participation

In accordance with U.S. Department of Education guidance regarding class participation, Walden University requires that all students submit at least one of their required Week 1 assignments (which includes posting to the Discussion Board) within each course(s) during the first 7 calendar days of class. For courses with two-week units, posting to the Discussion Board by Day 7 meets this requirement. The first calendar day of class is the official start date of the course as posted on your myWalden academic page.

Assignments submitted prior to the official start date will not count toward your participation. 

Financial Aid cannot be released without class participation as defined above. 

Students who are taking their first class with Walden and do not submit at least one of their required Week 1 assignments (or at least one Discussion post) by the end of the 7th day will be administratively withdrawn from the university.

Students who have already taken and successfully completed at least one or more class(es) with Walden, and who do not participate within the first 7 days, will be dropped from that class.

If you have any questions about your assignments, or you are unable to complete your assignments, please contact your Faculty Member.


The module course checklist below outlines the assignments due for the course.

For full assignment details and directions, refer to each module of the course. All assignments are due by 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time (MT) on the day assigned (which is 1:59 a.m. Eastern Time (ET) the next day). The time stamp in the classroom will reflect Eastern Time (ET), regardless of your time zone. As long as your submission time stamp is no later than 1:59 a.m. Eastern Time (ET), you have submitted on time.


Student Support and Calendar Information

So you have all key information available to you off-line, it is highly recommended that you print the following items for your reference:

  • This Syllabus, including the Course Schedule that is linked on this page as a PDF
  • Course Calendar
  • Support, Guidelines, and Policies

Credit Hours

  • 3 credits in 11 weeks

Walden University assigns credit hours based on the number and type of assignments that enable students to achieve the course learning objectives. In general, each semester credit equals about 42 hours of total student work and each quarter credit equals about 28 hours of total student work. This time requirement represents an approximate average for undergraduate work and the minimum expectations for graduate work. The number and kind of activities estimated to fulfill time requirements will vary by degree level and student learning style, and by student familiarity with the delivery method and course content.

Course Description

In this course students are introduced to Walden University and online learning. Students explore strategies for the successful participation in an online curriculum. Students also will receive a foundation for academic and professional success as scholar-practitioners and social change agents. Course assignments introduce students to resources that support success, development of graduate-level writing skills and use of APA Style, academic integrity, and the creation of a professional development plan based on each student’s chosen specialization.

Course Learning Outcomes

By the conclusion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Develop networks for academic and professional success.
  • Identify strategies for academic and professional success.
  • Apply strategies to promote academic integrity and professional ethics.
  • Analyze peer-reviewed research related to issues in nursing practice.
  • Create academic success and professional development plans.
  • Justify selection of MSN specializations using standards and scope of practice.

College of Nursing Alignment of Learner Outcomes

Click on the following link to access the College of Nursing Alignment of Learner Outcomes:


Course Materials

Please visit the University bookstore via your Walden student portal to ensure you are obtaining the correct version of any course texts and/or materials noted in the following section. When you receive your materials, make sure that all required items are included.

Course Text

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

Note: If the print edition of these books are referenced here, electronic versions also may be available and may be acceptable for use in this course. If an electronic version is listed, no print version is available.

Note: Please keep this text as it will be used in subsequent courses in your MSN program.

Other readings (journal articles, websites, book excerpts, etc.) are assigned throughout the course and may be found within each Module.


Assigned course media elements may be found in one or more modules of the course and are available via a streaming media player or a hyperlink to the individual item.

Course Readings List

The Course Readings List contains all of the required Walden Library resources for this course. Please click on the following link to access the list:


Dedicated Support for Course Media

You may use the following e-mail address and toll-free number for any questions or concerns you have about media in the course.


Primary and Secondary Sources

Review the following information prior to selecting resources for assignments.

Primary: A primary source is an original document that is the first account of what happened. A research report is primary, and you can tell because it includes materials and methods demonstrating how the research was done. Some creative work is also primary, such as poetry, novels, and interviews of people who experienced something firsthand. In nursing, which is an evidence-based discipline, we strive to use primary research that is published in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.

Scholarly, peer-reviewed journal: Scholarly journals publish papers by professional authors and experts in the field using a peer-review process to review the work and assure quality before publishing. The focus of a scholarly journal is to provide accurate information for scholars and other researchers. The focus is on content rather than advertising, a direct contrast to popular media. Scholarly journals publish both primary and secondary papers, the former usually noted as original research and the latter as reviews and commentaries. Letters to the editor may also be published but should be recognized as opinion pieces.

Note: When selecting articles for course assignments, you are advised (unless you are referencing seminal information) to focus on work published within the past five years.

Secondary: A secondary source is one step removed from the original source. This work interprets and often compiles other work, and it includes review articles, textbooks, fact sheets, and commentaries about a topic. It also includes news reports of original research. Secondary work is more prone to error and bias than primary work because it is being filtered through an additional person or persons. Review papers can be useful to glean information about a topic and to find other sources from the reference list, but it is the original, primary research that should be relied on most heavily in demonstrating scholarship, depth, and validation of factual information.

Course Assignments

  1. Participation in weekly Discussions: The exchange of ideas among colleagues engaged in scholarly inquiry is a key aspect of learning and is a requisite activity in this course. You are expected to participate each week by posting a response to a prompt or question in the weekly Discussion area. In addition, you are expected to respond to your fellow students’ postings. To count as participation, responses need to be thoughtful; that is, they must refer to the week’s readings, relevant issues in the news, information obtained from other sources, and/or ideas expressed in the postings of other class members. You may ask questions or offer further information or links about the subject. Please pay attention to grammar and spelling, as consistently poorly written posts will receive grade penalties. In grading the required Discussion postings, your Instructor will be using the Discussion Posting and Response Rubric, located in the Course Information area.Note: Unless otherwise noted, initial postings to Discussions are due on or before Day 3, and response postings are due on or before Day 6. You are required to participate in the Discussion on at least three different days (a different day for main post and each response). It is important to adhere to the weekly time frame to allow others ample time to respond to your posting. In addition, you are expected to respond to questions directed toward your own initial posting in a timely manner.


  1. Assignments: The Assignments provide you with the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge gained through the Learning Resources and the practicum experience. See the Assignment area of specific weeks for detailed descriptions of the assignments. In grading the required Assignments, your Instructor will be using rubrics located in the Course Information area.Note: The course Assignments will require that you completely and accurately demonstrate critical thinking via assimilation and synthesis of ideas when using credible, outside and course specific resources (i.e. video, required readings, textbook), when comparing different points of view, highlighting similarities, differences, and connections, and/or when lending support to your Assignment responses.


  1. Portfolio Assignment: Each course in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program for the following specializations includes a Portfolio Assignment: Nursing Education, Nurse Executive, Nursing Informatics, and Public Health Nursing. The Portfolio Assignment is designed to measure specific professional knowledge and skills as outlined in the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Master’s Essentials. Students submit the Portfolio Assignment in the online classroom and a criterion-based scoring rubric is used to grade the assignment. The rubric is aligned with American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Master’s Essentials and provides specific and informative feedback on your performance. The Portfolio Assignment is evaluated by the course Instructor.

Grading Criteria and Total Components of a Grade

Course grades will be based on participation (postings) and completion of assignments listed below.

Letter grades will be assigned as follows:

90%–100% = A
80%–89% = B
70%–79% = C
< 70% = F

Please see below for the policy on Incomplete (I) grades.

* Each Discussion requires that you make one initial posting and at least two response postings to colleagues. See the Discussion Posting and Response Rubric for posting details.
**This is the Portfolio Assignment for this course.

Incomplete Grade Policy

Per University policy, Incomplete grades can be granted only to students who have already met the minimum criteria for active weekly participation in a course (including weekly postings in online courses) and have completed at least 80% of other coursework. Incompletes can be awarded when, because of extenuating circumstances, a student has not met additional course requirements, including but not limited to written assignments, group projects, and research papers, as applicable. All Incomplete grades are awarded at the discretion of the course faculty. (Reproduced from Student Catalog)

Students who are eligible for an Incomplete must contact the Course Faculty to request the grade as soon as possible. Students who do not meet the criteria listed above will not be allowed to earn an Incomplete. If the Incomplete is approved, the Faculty Member will work with the student to outline the due date(s) for remaining work. Under no circumstances will the new due dates extend beyond 50 days from the last day of the term. Faculty will then have 10 days to assess the work and post the permanent grade before the University-allotted Incomplete time limit of 60 days expires. All Incomplete grades not resolved within the time allotted will convert to permanent grades of F.

Instructor Feedback Schedule

The Instructor will log in to the course during the week to monitor the weekly Discussion area. Feedback will be provided via the My Grades area, the Discussion area, and/or the Announcements page.

Instructor feedback and explanation is provided whenever full credit is not achieved. Depending on the nature of the feedback, Instructor responses may be posted to the Discussion area or included in the My Grades area. The goal of your Instructor is to act as a discussion and learning facilitator rather than a lecturer. The Instructor will not respond to every posting by every individual, so please feel free to ask your Instructor if you would like some personal feedback on a particular assignment posting or any time you have any questions regarding your assignments or your grade.

For most assignments, you can expect your grades and/or feedback to be posted within five calendar days after the due date. Some assignments may require more than five days for your instructor to provide you with quality feedback.

Course Procedures

  • All class Discussions take place in the weekly Discussion areas.
  • You are encouraged to post course-related questions to the Contact the Instructor area as they may be of interest to all; however, if your question is urgent, it is often best to email the Instructor. If your emailed question is thought to be of benefit to all, it may be responded to by the Instructor via email to all or posted as an announcement.
  • Instructor feedback on content and writing issues that is thought to be of benefit to the entire class may be posted to the Contact the Instructor area; however, most personal critique will be done privately in the Grade Center. Be sure to check the Grade Center for comments every week even if you received full credit.
  • Please feel free to use the Class Café to initiate and participate in conversations not directly related to the course. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know other students better. The Instructor will browse the Class Café occasionally but generally will not respond to conversations posted there unless students have specific questions for him or her.
  • Check the email account you use for official Walden University business on a regular basis. The expectation is that you are checking this email account daily during the week. If you experience difficulty sending or receiving Walden email, please contact the Customer Care Team right away. Contact information for the Customer Care Team is located in the Student Support area.
  • Review all materials in the Course Information area, as well as the materials contained under each of the weekly buttons.

Note: There are Optional Readings located within the Learning Resources section of each week in the course. You are encouraged to explore these readings, as needed, in order to enhance your understanding of the course content.

Preferred Methods for Delivering Assignments

  1. Be sure that you post to the correct Discussion area each week. Do not e-mail postings to the Instructor. For all initial Discussion postings, make sure that the first sentence of your posting reads Main Question Post. For your responses to others’ response postings, make sure that the first sentence of your response reads Response. These actions will ensure easily identifiable subject lines for your postings and responses.
  2. Application Assignments are submitted to the SafeAssign link and named according to the week in which the Assignment is submitted. Directions for naming each Application Assignment are included in each week’s Assignment area. Please be sure that all written Application Assignments are saved and submitted as a “.doc” file.
  3. All e-mail correspondence must contain in the subject line “ABCD 1234-XX-NAME” (ABCD = course prefix, 1234 = course number, XX = section number) followed by a brief description of the subject. This subject line convention ensures that your e-mail will be easily identified and responded to in a timely manner. It is required that the e-mail contain a signature that matches the official name used in the course.

Late Assignment Policy

Students are expected to submit assignments by the due dates noted in the course. In extenuating circumstances, such as illness, the student must contact the Instructor as soon as possible to discuss the situation. In those circumstances, Faculty will determine the appropriate course of action for the student. Depending on the situation, these actions may include recommendations to drop the course (if within the university drop/withdrawal period), acceptance of some or all of the overdue assignments with or without penalties, or failure to accept assignments.

Assignments submitted late without prior agreement of the Instructor, outside of an emergency absence, or in violation of agreements for late submission, will receive a grade reduction for the assignment amounting up to 20%. After 5 days, the assignment will not be graded. Students should be aware that late assignments may not receive the same level of written feedback as do assignments submitted on time.

Keeping Your Coursework

You will have access to the course and your coursework from the course start date until 60 days after the course ends. After this time, you will no longer be able to access the course or related materials. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you retain copies of your completed assignments and any documents you wish to keep. The university is not responsible for lost or missing coursework.

Course Evaluation

At or near the end of the course, you will receive an email inviting you to submit an online evaluation of the course and instruction. All submitted course evaluations are confidential, and only aggregate data and comments will be shared with the Instructor and Program Director. Your feedback is vitally important to Walden University in its efforts to continuously improve programs.

Students With Disabilities

Students in this course who have a disability that might prevent them from fully demonstrating their abilities should contact the director of at  or at 1-800-925-3368, ext. 312-1205 and +1-612-925-3368 or  for international toll-free numbers as soon as possible to initiate disability verification and discuss accommodations that may be necessary to ensure full participation in the successful completion of course requirements.

Classroom Participation

In accordance with U.S. Department of Education guidance regarding class participation, Walden University requires that all students submit at least one of their required Week 1 assignments (which includes posting to the Discussion Board) within each course(s) during the first 7 calendar days of class. For courses with two-week units, posting to the Discussion Board by Day 7 meets this requirement. The first calendar day of class is the official start date of the course as posted on your myWalden academic page.

Assignments submitted prior to the official start date will not count toward your participation. 

Financial Aid cannot be released without class participation as defined above. 

Students who are taking their first class with Walden and do not submit at least one of their required Week 1 assignments (or at least one Discussion post) by the end of the 7th day will be administratively withdrawn from the university.

Students who have already taken and successfully completed at least one or more class(es) with Walden, and who do not participate within the first 7 days, will be dropped from that class.

If you have any questions about your assignments, or you are unable to complete your assignments, please contact your Faculty Member.


The module course checklist below outlines the assignments due for the course.

For full assignment details and directions, refer to each module of the course. All assignments are due by 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time (MT) on the day assigned (which is 1:59 a.m. Eastern Time (ET) the next day). The time stamp in the classroom will reflect Eastern Time (ET), regardless of your time zone. As long as your submission time stamp is no later than 1:59 a.m. Eastern Time (ET), you have submitted on time.

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