Nursing Metaparadigm And Culturally Proficient Nursing Care

Nursing Metaparadigm and Culturally Proficient Nursing Care Student’s Name(s) Institutional Affiliation(s) Course Details Instructor’s Name Date 2 Nursing Metaparadigm and Culturally Proficient Nursing Care Metaparadigm entails a combination of four fundamental and interrelated concepts, including person, environment, health, and nursing (Edwards, 2019). Besides, providing culturally proficient nursing care entails understanding the patients’ diverse healthcare requirements from various cultures and providing care that incorporates their welfare. The American Nurses Association recognizes that integrating into care the culturally competent care programs minimizes health disparities and enhances optimal health outcomes for multicultural patient populations. This paper seeks to establish the influence of the nursing metaparadigm in the implementation of culturally proficient nursing care. Through Nightingale’s philosophy, the four primary concepts of metaparadigm in nursing mainly target patient and their environment where the nursing aims to manipulate the environment to promote the patient’s recovery (Masters, 2017). Therefore, the nursing metaparadigm enables patient and outcome-focused care regardless of their cultural background. Thus, the metaparadigm concepts help evaluate the care environment’s point and the external environments to design care that fully suits the patient. The metaparadigm concepts that focus on the outcomes of care and patient’s safety help

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