Nursing Theory
Unarguably, Lillian Wald’s “roadmap to success” was her compassion and diplomacy to initiate change. Some nurse leaders have focused on theoretical approaches to community health nursing. Based on your readings and our current Covid-19 pandemic, pick one of the following and discuss its application to today’s public health nursing. Provide examples of its microscopic, as well as, macroscopic application. Your choices are: Upstream Thinking, Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing, The Health Belief Model, Milo’s Framework for Prevention, Critical Social Theory. Attached is the powerpoint “Upstream thinking” to provide examples of its microscopic and macroscopic application. Pick one of the following and discuss its application to today’s public health nursing: 1) Lillian Wald History (gallery of pictures) 2) Lillian Wald, American Jewish Success
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