Observation Summary

In this task, you will summarize Chapter 2 of Karen Brodie’s (2013) text highlighting her main ideas and arguments. A good academic summary accurately describes the main point(s) and important details of the piece+ highlighting the main ideas and arguments. In order to be accurate and concise, the writer must be thoroughly familiar with the original work. If too long, a summary may be paraphrasing the original work, but if too short, important details may be left out. Think one quarter to one-third of the total length of the original chapter so for this summary 3 to 4 pages.Format•APA formatting (you will only have on reference so just provide this reference at the end)•3 to 4 pages (Double spaced)•12 Times New Roman font•No table of content is needed•Paraphrase and direct quotesYOU SHOULD Follow the rubric in summarizing this chapter.

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