Organizational Structure
(I have my essay that i had already submitted and i need re writing)First you need to read the story and then based on my essay fallow and edit the structure.More over i have the attachment of my professor guide for revision. and it will submit to “turn it in “.Thank youThis is your first essay assignment for this class. Please read through this handout, which explains the assignment, and take a few notes on the assignment, including any questions you may have. When you have finished reading the handout and taking notes, there is a video for you at the bottom with some notes on a whiteboard in the background. In this video, I walk you through helpful steps you can take to write a fantastic essay. I recommend watching this ten-minute video with enough time to pause several times, and take notes, brainstorm, and begin your essay.After you have begun, I invite you to reach out to me during office hours, or anytime on the Canvas inbox, with any questions you might have about this assignment! Why Write This Essay?Many people take comfort in knowing just a little about what to expect from life when it reaches its most confusing or dramatic moments. Because part of their function is to provide people with models of human experience (i.e. examples of how to live), myths have the potential to provide us with some of the guidance that human beings crave during these times of need. How Can You Prepare to Write This Essay?Having thought about how myths might communicate this kind of knowledge to people, I’d like you to take a closer look at the Italian tale of Pyramus and Thisbe. Consider its plot, its characters, and its symbols, and, through your own critical thinking identify a specific life concern, issue, or stage that is being addressed by the myth of Pyramus and Thisbe.What is the Assignment?Then, write an essay in which – after you identify a specific life concern, issue, or stage that is being addressed by the tale of Pyramus and Thisbe – you analyze where and how this myth (Pyramus and Thisbe) shows its audience both a little of what to expect from and a little of how to cope with that specific life concern, issue, or stage (the one that you have identified through your close, careful re-reading of Pyramus and Thisbe). What Should be Avoided and How Will the Essay Be Graded?Please think beyond the literal content of the tale, be specific in your observations and in your evidence, and avoid using your paper to retell the already well – known story of Pyramus and Thisbe, beyond a one or two-sentence summary to get you ready for the rest of your essay, which will be your analysis of the myth. Also, please refrain from making a comparison to Romeo and Juliet. It is obvious and doesn’t need to be mentioned in the essay.Please see the rubric below for a better understanding of how this essay will be graded.What is the Required Length and Formatting StyleYour essay should be 550 – 1050 words.Please upload Word documents or PDFs only.Please use MLA formatting. The information you need in order to craft your citation is below (when you search for what type of “container” you are citing — it’s a story within a book). Note, you do not need all of the information below, you may consult here if you are unsure of how to write a Works Cited page, and you can consult here (Links to an external site.) (please see the menu at the far left for more MLA resources and, please ignore the ads for citation generators and other goodies that are present on the website!). If you are unsure about how to do an in-text citation (quote from or summarize the text, and give credit), you can click here (Links to an external site.) (also see the menu at the far left for more, and also ignore the ads!).From Metamorphoses by Ovid, translated by Rolfe Humphries. Copyright 1955 by Indiana University Press. Used by permission of Indiana University Press.10-minute Video with Tips and Support on Writing this Essay, and ExamplesThis work is a derivative of Myth and Folklore by David Prisk, shared under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 (Links to an external site.) license.RubricEssay One Rubric (1)Essay One Rubric (1)Criteria Ratings PtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdeas and Content10 ptsThis paper is clear and focused. Relevant anecdotes and details enrich the central theme.4.5 ptsThe writer is beginning to define the topic, even though development is still basic or general.0 ptsAs yet, the paper has no clear sense of purpose or central theme.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a LearningOutcomeOrganization10 ptsThe organization showcases the central theme. The presentation of information is compelling.4.5 ptsThe organizational structure is strong enough to move the reader through the text without much confusion.0 ptsThe writing lacks a clear sense of direction. There is no identifiable internal structure.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence Fluency10 ptsThe writing has an easy flow and cadence. Sentences are well built, with strong and varied structurethat invites expressive oral reading.4.5 ptsThe text hums along with a steady beat, but tends to be more mechanical than fluid.0 ptsThe reader has to practice quite a bit in order to give this paper a fair interpretive reading.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConventions5 ptsThe writer demonstrates a good grasp of standard writing conventions (e.g., spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, usage, paragraphing). Errors are few and minor.2.25 ptsThe writer shows reasonable control over a limited range of standard writing conventions. Some errors are distracting and impair readability.0 ptsErrors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, usage, and grammar and/or paragraphing repeatedly distract the reader and make the text difficult to read.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEssay analyzes myth for purpose15 ptsFull MarksYour essay has minimal summary (1-2 sentences), and spends its time analyzing where and how this myth shows its audience both a little of what to expect from and a little of how to cope with that specific life concern, issue, or stage.6.75 ptsPartial MarksYour essay has too much summary (more than 1-2 sentences), and/or it does not spend its time analyzing where and how this myth shows its audience both a little of what to expect from and a little of how to cope with that specific life concern, issue, or stage. Possibly it does not provide enough evidence from the text to make its case.3.75 ptsLimited MarksThere is either way too much summary, or too little time supporting and analyzing the myth in order to make a case about where and how this myth shows its audience both a little of what to expect from and a little of how to cope with that specific life concern, issue, or stage.0 ptsNo Marks15 ptsTotal Points: 50
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