Outsoucing and Insourcing

Do a thorough literature search on the topics of “outsourcing” and “insourcing.” There are literally thousands of excellent research articles and papers on “outsourcing,” but “insourcing” will require a little more detective work to uncover the really important research. Locate at least three articles on each topic. Be sure to consult only academic-quality publications – no Wikipedia, no eHow or similar Websites. Use academic journals or quality publications like Harvard Business Review, the Wall Street Journal, etc. • Read all of the articles and make note of any important details that either agree or disagree with what is found in the data-based analysis. • Find out what researchers in the literature think are the most important considerations to make when looking at “outsourcing” vs. “insourcing.” Were these considerations taken into account in the study that was conducted for this project? • Summarize what was learned from the literature and be sure to cite all six (or more) reference articles that were found.

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