Park University Highly Educated Overseas Brides and Low Wage US Husbands Discussion





  1. Choose an article on the topic this week that was not assigned in the Ferguson readings/discussion.
  2. Write an analysis of a minimum of 500 words on the issues presented in the article and apply one of the family theories to the article.
  3. Apply at least 3 terms/concepts learned this week in your paper.
  4. Concepts for the week can be found at the end of the chapters in the supplemental readings in the free online Hammond, Cheney, and Pearsey text.
  5. Please underline or bold the 3 terms and the theory in your paper.
  6. The topic of your paper must be on one of the readings in the Ferguson text not assigned in the discussion.

Ferguson readings to choose from:

  • “Marital Status and Perceived Discrimination Among Transgender People”
  • “Clashing Dreams: Highly Educated Overseas Brides and Low-Wage U.S. Husbands”
  • “Intimacy and Emotion Work in Lesbian, Gay and Heterosexual Relationships”


Explanation & Answer length: 2 pages

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