Park University Highly Educated Overseas Brides and Low Wage US Husbands Discussion
- Choose an article on the topic this week that was not assigned in the Ferguson readings/discussion.
- Write an analysis of a minimum of 500 words on the issues presented in the article and apply one of the family theories to the article.
- Apply at least 3 terms/concepts learned this week in your paper.
- Concepts for the week can be found at the end of the chapters in the supplemental readings in the free online Hammond, Cheney, and Pearsey text.
- Please underline or bold the 3 terms and the theory in your paper.
- The topic of your paper must be on one of the readings in the Ferguson text not assigned in the discussion.
Ferguson readings to choose from:
- “Marital Status and Perceived Discrimination Among Transgender People”
- “Clashing Dreams: Highly Educated Overseas Brides and Low-Wage U.S. Husbands”
- “Intimacy and Emotion Work in Lesbian, Gay and Heterosexual Relationships”
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