Performing Reconnaissance 

Performing Reconnaissance and Probing Using Common Tools Overview One of the key components of an information security program is ensuring that potential attacks and anomalous activities are detected in a timely fashion. This action is accomplished using intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS or IPS). In order to increase security governance and posture, many organizations may also perform penetration and ethical hacking testing, which can be useful in detecting security vulnerabilities before others. Directions Address each of the following : Compare and contrast the uses of NetWitness Investigator and Wireshark used in the lab. Why would a network administrator use Wireshark and NetWitness Investigator together? Interpret the results of the Wireshark and NetWitness scans performed in the lab. Describe the area of network vulnerability found in each scan.  Describe the security risk associated with the vulnerability you discovered. Suggest a security control that you would use to address the vulnerability and explain why it is appropriate. Explain in detail the results returned from the Zenmap reconnaissance. Submission Instructions Submit your assignment in a Word document with well-labeled responses. Length: 3 double-spaced pages Format and Style: Current APA standards. Font: 12 point Times New Roman.

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