Personal Narrative
Personal Narrative Personal Narrative In 400–500 words, please share a time in your professional life where you observed an unethical situation. What were your thoughts and opinions on this ethical issue? This assignment is a personal narrative and does not require any outside sources. It should be written entirely in your own words. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is: Outline personal thoughts and opinions about an unethical situation observed in a professional setting. Rough Draft Generator for Personal Narrative Assignment (Optional) Important Note: For grading on the assignment, you must submit your final draft in this week’s assignment area in Blackboard using the “Personal Narrative” link. The Rough Draft Generator linked here is optional. Need help getting started with your assignment for this week? Click on the “Rough Draft Generator for Personal Narrative” link to be taken to Ecree where you can create a rough draft of your assignment. Just click on the link, and start writing! Using the Ecree tool is completely optional but is provided to you as an additional help resource if you need it. Before you click on the link, it is suggested that you copy the assignment specifics from the Personal Narrative area as these will not appear when you link over into the Ecree tool. How Ecree Works Use Firefox and Chrome as Ecree works best with these browsers. Ecree will give you feedback as you write. You’ll see some information on the right-hand side of the screen—try to read it and watch the help videos as you go. Your work will be saved automatically. Once you have completed your rough draft, you will click the “Download” button at the bottom as this will allow you to download a Microsoft Word document of your work to prepare for your final submission in Blackboard. Creating a rough draft with Ecree is optional, so your instructor will not be reviewing or providing feedback through Ecree. Ecree is provided as a support for your assignments due in Weeks 2, 6, and 8. If you need help with using or navigating Ecree, watch the video linked below to see a general overview of Ecree. Help with Ecree in BUS309 [Video]
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