PHI 210 Week 8 Discussion
Please respond to the following:
What is political correctness? How is it defined? What’s its goal? How does it illustrate the power of language? Do research – look for reliable scholarly sources to find a good definition; explain the term also in your own words, and provide an example of words or phrases that count as politically correct.
Critically discuss the question: Is political correctness a good idea?
There are obviously two possible answers to this question. Present those two answers, and try to provide the strongest argument you can think of in support of BOTH sides (you’ll need one argument for each side). Then tell us which side you think is stronger and why.
You may want to consider the following additional questions: Does political correctness violate freedom of speech? (Please don’t forget to define the term ‘freedom of speech’ – what is it, what is its goal, where did it originate? Provide your references.)
When you create your arguments, clearly indicate the conclusion and the premises of the arguments. Use concrete examples to illustrate your point.
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