PHI 341 MSUD Japanese Yokai Misfortunes of The World Discussion

PHI 341 MSUD Japanese Yokai Misfortunes of The World Discussion

Misfortunes of The World Discussion


Hey guys! I need help reviewing a powepoint based on a japanese yokai and aswering one question. The following is the question: “For this week’s reflection, I’ll ask a simple question: What does the term “y?kai” mean?

Once you’ve answered that, please respond/comment on one of the presentations you’ve watched from your classmates.”

The following is a link to a google drive link for the powerpoint(it was too big too attached here) please review the powerpoint and write a 1 page double spaced APA paper on the powerpoint and what does the term yokai mean to you.…


Explanation & Answer length: 1 Page

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