PHIL 101 SUNY at Stony Brook Aristotle Reality of The World Metaphysics Paper

PHIL 101 SUNY at Stony Brook Aristotle Reality of The World Metaphysics Paper

Stony Brook Aristotle Reality of The World Metaphysics Paper


Read Chapter9 ARISTOTLE: THE REALITY OF THE WORLD 182 (Aristotle and Plato). The length of the paper should be 2-3 pages, Times New Roman,12pt, double-spaced.

Aristotle was Plato’s student and admired his teacher. Despite this, he disagreed with Plato on many points in his philosophy, including his metaphysics. Imagine that these two engaged in a debate about metaphysics. Write out the debate as you imagine it would be. Be sure to have each of these philosophers explain his argument for the true description of reality. Make sure each gives the best defense for his position in your imaginary debate.

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