PM004_ Project Performance Measurement

PM004_ Project Performance Measurement

Short Answer Assessment Submission Form

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Your Email address: Your email here



Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the Rubric which will be used to evaluate your responses.



1. Refer to Part 5 of the St. Dismas Assisted Living Facility Case Study document.

Kyle Nanno is the construction project manager for the St. Dismas Assisted Living Facility (ALF) project. One of Kyle’s responsibilities is to ensure that the construction of the facility is proceeding as planned—on time and on budget. Each week, Kyle holds a meeting with his project team and key stakeholders to review the progress and performance of the construction project. After each meeting, Kyle e-mails meeting minutes to the project team and executives throughout the organization.


After reading the minutes from a recent meeting, Dr. Fred Splient, President and CEO of St. Dismas Medical Center, called Kyle to express concern about important decisions related to the construction of the facility that had not been made. Kyle reported that security-related decisions had not been made because Frank Geagy, Director of Security, had not been attending the weekly meetings. Fred makes it clear to Kyle that Frank must attend all of the team meetings going forward.


After his conversation with Dr. Splient, Kyle calls Frank Geagy. Kyle relays Dr. Splient’s expectation that Frank attend all Friday project team meetings to review project progress and performance. Frank does not sound happy. Frank tells Kyle, “We have too much real work to do. I can’t attend all these meetings.” After hearing this, it occurs to Kyle that Frank may not be familiar with the project monitoring and controlling process, or why it is important.


Respond to the following:

a) Describe a process for monitoring and controlling a project. (3–4 paragraphs)

a. What are the functions of the monitoring and controlling process?

b. How does it support the other four process groups?

b) Explain why it is important to have a formal monitoring and controlling strategy for the ALF project. (3–4 paragraphs)

a. What are the overall benefits of using a formal process for monitoring and controlling projects?

b. Why should monitoring and controlling a project be an iterative process?

c) What is your assessment of the approach Kyle is taking to monitor and control the ALF project? (3–4 paragraphs)

a. What steps has Kyle taken to monitor and control the ALF project?

b. Are the steps sufficient for early warning of issues with the project performance?

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 1: Evaluate project monitoring and controlling processes
Learning Objective 1.1: Describe a process for monitoring and controlling a project


Choose an item.

Instructor Feedback:

Feedback Statement



Student did not submit this element of the assignment.



Student provides a cursory or incomplete description with vague or missing details of the functions of the monitoring and controlling process and how it supports each of the other four process groups. Student provides a description with some details of the functions of the monitoring and controlling process and how it supports each of the other four process groups.


Some details are missing and/or not fully developed.

Student provides a detailed description of the functions of the monitoring and controlling process and how it supports each of the other four process groups.


There are one or two minor details missing.

Learning Objective 1.2: Explain the importance of formally monitoring and controlling a project


Choose an item.

Instructor Feedback:

Feedback Statement



Student did not submit this element of the assignment. Student provides a cursory or incomplete explanation with vague or missing details of the overall benefits of monitoring and controlling a project and why it should be an iterative process. Student provides an explanation with some details of the overall benefits of monitoring and controlling a project and why it should be an iterative process.


Some details are missing and/or not fully developed.

Student provides a detailed explanation of the overall benefits of monitoring and controlling a project and why it should be an iterative process.


There are one or two minor details missing.

Learning Objective 1.3: Assess the monitoring and controlling approach for a project


Choose an item.

Instructor Feedback:

Feedback Statement


Student did not submit this element of the assignment. Student provides a cursory or incomplete assessment with vague or missing details of the steps taken to monitor and control a project. Student provides an assessment with some details of the steps taken to monitor and control a project.


Some details are missing and/or not fully developed.

Student provides a detailed assessment of the steps taken to monitor and control a project.


There are one or two minor details missing.



2. Refer to Part 5 of the St. Dismas Assisted Living Facility Case Study document.

Kyle identified four agenda items for the weekly project team meetings. Reviewing the schedule and budget are included in the agenda. In addition, a change in scope has been proposed by the chief operating officer (COO) and the vice president (VP) of marketing. The scope change involves building and operating a hair salon for the new assisted living facility.


Respond to the following:

a) Project scope, schedule, and cost are often referred to as the triple constraints in project management. What tools and techniques could Kyle use to monitor and control the triple constraints? Describe two tools or techniques each for monitoring and controlling project scope, schedule, and cost. Explain why you selected those tools or techniques. (3–4 paragraphs)

b) The idea, from the COO and VP of marketing, to include a hair salon was a surprise to the project team. Analyze the risks posed by adding a hair salon using the triple constraints of scope, schedule, and cost as the basis for your analysis. (3–4 paragraphs)

Your Response

Enter your response here.


Sub-Competency 2: Assess tools and techniques for monitoring and controlling a project
Learning Objective 2.1: Assess tools and techniques for monitoring and controlling a project


Choose an item.

Instructor Feedback:

Feedback Statement


Student did not submit this element of the assignment. Student provides a cursory or incomplete assessment with vague or missing details of fewer than two tools and techniques each for monitoring and controlling scope, schedule, and cost and/or did not include the rationale for using those tools and techniques. Student provides an assessment with some details of two tools and techniques each for monitoring and controlling scope, schedule, and cost, including the rationale for using those tools and techniques.


Some details are missing and/or not fully developed.

Student provides a detailed assessment of two or more tools and techniques each for monitoring and controlling scope, schedule, and cost, including the rationale for using those tools and techniques.


There are one or two minor details missing.

Learning Objective 2.2: Assess new requirement risk for a case study project


Choose an item.

Instructor Feedback:

Feedback Statement


Student did not submit this element of the assignment. Student provides a cursory or incomplete assessment with vague or missing details of the risks to scope, schedule, and cost when a new project requirement is introduced. Student provides an assessment with some details of the risks to scope, schedule, and cost when a new project requirement is introduced.


Some details are missing and/or not fully developed.

Student provides a detailed assessment of the risks to scope, schedule, and cost when a new project requirement is introduced.


There are one or two minor details missing.

3. Kyle Nanno, the project construction manager, is studying for his Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. He decides to apply the Earned Value Management (EVM) tools from his coursework to the assisted living facility (ALF) construction project at St. Dismas. The project should have been 100% complete at this time, but the latest information he has indicates that it is only 89% complete. Kyle knows that the stakeholders will want a status report soon and he wants to be prepared.


a) Using the information in the table below, calculate each of the EVM metrics for each activity and for the total project. Show both your calculations and the results.

· Cost Variance (CV)

· Schedule Variance (SV)

· Cost Performance Index (CPI)

· Schedule Performance Index (SPI)

· Estimate to Completion (ETC)

· Estimate at Completion (EAC)

b) Explain what each of the EVM metrics results (that you calculated) mean, regarding the performance of the ALF project. (3–4 paragraphs)


Earned Value Chart for St. Dismas Assisted Living Facility Case Study



Planned Value



Earned Value


Actual Cost


Budget at Completion (BAC)  

% Complete

Building $6,743 $6,069 $7,300 $6,743 90%
Furniture $400 $280 $250 $400 70%
Site Improvements $125 $125 $148 $125 100%
Kitchen Equipment $30 $18 $30 $30 60%
TOTAL $7,298 $6,492 $7,728 $7,298 89%


Your Response

Enter your response here.



Sub-Competency 3: Apply Earned Value Management as a tool for monitoring and controlling a project
Learning Objective 3.1: Calculate Earned Value Management metrics


Choose an item.

Instructor Feedback:

Feedback Statement


Student did not submit this element of the assignment. Student provides a cursory or incomplete assessment with vague or missing details of Earned Value Management metrics including: Cost Variance (CV); Schedule Variance (SV); Cost Performance Index (CPI); Estimate to Completion (ETC); and Estimate at Completion (EAC). Student provides a calculation with some details of Earned Value Management metrics including: Cost Variance (CV); Schedule Variance (SV); Cost Performance Index (CPI); Estimate to Completion (ETC); and Estimate at Completion (EAC).


Some details are missing and/or not fully developed.

Student provides a detailed assessment of Earned Value Management metrics including: Cost Variance (CV); Schedule Variance (SV); Cost Performance Index (CPI); Estimate to Completion (ETC); and Estimate at Completion (EAC).


There are one or two minor details missing.

Learning Objective 3.2: Explain the significance of the Earned Value Management metrics


Choose an item.

Instructor Feedback:

Feedback Statement


Student did not submit this element of the assignment. Student provides a cursory or incomplete explanation with vague or missing details of the results of EVM calculations and the implications for the performance of a case study project. Student provides an explanation with some details of the results of EVM calculations and the implications for the performance of a case study project.


Some details are missing and/or not fully developed.

Student provides a detailed explanation of the results of EVM calculations and the implications for the performance of a case study project.


There are one or two minor details missing.


4. After calculating the Earned Value Management (EVM) metrics and analyzing the results, Kyle realizes that he can do a better job of managing project performance. Kyle makes a commitment to himself to apply EVM at regular intervals in the project going forward and to take appropriate actions if project performance issues become apparent. In addition, he intends to communicate project performance issues to the stakeholders and provide recommendations to address performance issues.

a) What actions might Kyle take to manage project cost performance? What actions might Kyle take to manage project schedule performance? (2–3 paragraphs)

b) What information should Kyle gather to make a recommendation? How should he gather this information? (2–3 paragraphs)

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Sub-Competency 4: Evaluate alternatives for monitoring and controlling project work performance

Learning Objective 4.1: Recommend actions to control project schedule and cost


Choose an item.

Instructor Feedback:

Feedback Statement


Student did not submit this element of the assignment. Student provides a cursory or incomplete recommendation with vague or missing details of the results of actions to control project schedule and cost performance. Student provides a recommendation with some details of actions to control project schedule and cost performance.


Some details are missing and/or not fully developed.

Student provides a detailed recommendation of actions to control project schedule and cost performance.


There are one or two minor details missing.

Learning Objective 4.2: Recommend actions to assure ongoing positive project work performance


Choose an item.

Instructor Feedback:

Feedback Statement


Student did not submit this element of the assignment. Student provides a cursory or incomplete recommendation with vague or missing details of actions to assure ongoing positive project work performance. Student provides a recommendation with some details of actions to assure ongoing positive project work performance.


Some details are missing and/or not fully developed.

Student provides a detailed recommendation of actions to assure ongoing positive project work performance.


There are one or two minor details missing.


5. Fred Splient sends the assisted living facility (ALF) project steering committee a written performance report every 2 weeks. He will prepare one in a few days. Kyle Nanno, the construction project manager, stops by Fred’s office to share the EVM analysis he conducted. Fred decides to use this information in the status report. Develop the performance report based on the results of the EVM analysis that was done by Kyle. (1 page)

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Sub-Competency 5: Prepare a project work performance report for project stakeholders
Learning Objective 5.1: Summarize project work performance data


Choose an item.

Instructor Feedback:

Feedback Statement


Student did not submit this element of the assignment. Student provides a cursory or incomplete summary with vague or missing details of the project work performance data for a case study project that includes an explanation of the five Earned Value Management results in the context of what they indicate about the performance of the project. Student provides a summary with some details of the project work performance data for a case study project that includes an explanation of the five Earned Value Management results in the context of what they indicate about the performance of the project.


Some details are missing and/or not fully developed.

Student provides a detailed summary of the project work performance data for a case study project that includes an explanation of the five Earned Value Management results in the context of what they indicate about the performance of the project.


There are one or two minor details missing.

PS001: Written Communication: Demonstrate graduate-level writing skills
Learning Objective

PS 1.1:

Use proper grammar, spelling, and mechanics



Multiple major and minor errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics are highly distracting and seriously impact readability. Multiple minor errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics are distracting and negatively impact readability. Writing reflects competent use of standard edited American English.


Errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics do not negatively impact readability.

Grammar, spelling, and mechanics reflect a high level of accuracy in standard American English and enhance readability.
Learning Objective

PS 1.2:

Organize writing to enhance clarity

Writing is poorly organized and incoherent. Introductions, transitions, and conclusions are missing or inappropriate. Writing is loosely organized. Limited use of introductions, transitions, and conclusions provides partial continuity. Writing is generally well organized. Introductions, transitions, and conclusions provide continuity and a logical progression of ideas. Writing is consistently well organized. Introductions, transitions, and conclusions are used effectively to enhance clarity, cohesion, and flow.
Learning Objective

PS 1.3:

Apply APA style to written work

APA conventions are not applied. APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are applied inconsistently. APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are generally applied correctly in most instances. Sources are generally cited appropriately and accurately. APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are applied correctly and consistently throughout the paper. Sources are consistently cited appropriately and accurately.
PS005: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Use critical-thinking and problem-solving skills to analyze professional issues and inform best practices
Learning Objective

PS 5.1:

Analyze assumptions and fallacies

Analysis of assumptions is missing. Response is weak in assessing the reasonableness of assumptions in a given argument.


Response does not adequately identify and discuss the implications of fallacies or logical weaknesses in a given argument.

Response generally assesses the reasonableness of assumptions in a given argument.


Response identifies and discusses the implications of fallacies and/or logical weaknesses in a given argument.

Response clearly and comprehensively assesses the reasonableness of assumptions in a given argument.


Response provides a detailed and compelling analysis of implications of fallacies and logical weaknesses in a given argument.

Learning Objective

PS 5.2:

Generate reasonable and appropriate assumptions

Assumptions are missing. Response does not adequately present and discuss key assumptions in an original argument. Response presents and discusses key assumptions in an original argument.



Response justifies the reasonableness and appropriateness of assumptions in an original argument.


Learning Objective

PS 5.3:

Assess multiple perspectives and alternatives

Assessment of multiple perspectives is missing. Response does not identify nor adequately consider multiple perspectives or alternatives. Response identifies and considers multiple perspectives and alternatives. Response justifies selection of chosen alternative relative to others.
Learning Objective

PS 5.4:

Use problem-solving skills

Problems and solutions are not identified. Response presents solutions, but they are ineffective in addressing the specific problem. Response presents solutions that are practical and work in addressing the specific problem. Response presents compelling supporting arguments for proposed solutions.


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