Prairie View A & M University Metaphysics Application Discussion

Prairie View A & M University Metaphysics Application

What is  metaphysics

“To reach beyond nature (physis) as we perceive it, and to discover the “true nature” of things, their ultimate essence and the reason for being.”

Metaphysics is the study of the basic structures and categories of what exists, or of reality.

The big question: how to work out a logical account of everything that we know or believe about existence

Concerned not only with the nature of things that exist in space and time, but also with the nature of things that might not.   

Permanence and Change
(Answer Questions below)

Are you the same person now as you were when you were born?  Why/why not?

Are you the same person now as you were yesterday?  Why/why not?

If you had been to a different school, would you be the same person?

If you had your limbs amputated and replaced with synthetic ones, would you still be you?

If you lost your fingerprints would you still be you?

If you changed brains would you still be you?

What are the essential factors that make up you?

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