project change management

Change management:

Using the same organization that you select in week 1 assignment 3 ( theoretical perspectives on organization behavior). Propose a change that your organization could implement that would aid it strategically. The proposed change might relate to some area of need ,performance deficiency, or other opportunity that you observe in the organization.


You will be proposing a change initiative related motivation in next week’s assignment. Accordingly focus your change project for this week’s paper in a direction other than motivation.

Write a paper addressing the following:

Describe the change that you propose and defend its benefits to the organization.

Evaluate how the proposed change may affect various groups of employees.

Assess the conflicts that might occur before, during, and after the change, including why you participate these conflicts.

Defendind at least three best practices to prevent or resolve those conflicts.

Justify the channels of communication the organization should use in implementing this change.


Defended the benefit the benefits of a proposed change to the organization, including a brief description of the actual change.

Evaluated the effect of the proposed change on various groups of employees.

Assessed possible conflicts, including recommended methods to either prevent or resolve conflicts created by proposed change.

Justified the channels of communication the organization should use in implementing the change.

Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner using appropriate format (i.e APA style). Utilized the appropriate type and number of schorlarly sources. Demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e APA style). Displayed accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation.

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