PSC 495- Action Research Proposal

Develop the action research project proposal. The proposal should be professional and be written for presentation to those who would be responsible for reviewing and/or approving your proposal. It should include:
1. A summary of the problem to be addressed by the research project.
2. A description of the action research project.
3. A rationale for the proposal (description of why the study is important and/or relevant to business and/or management).
4. One or more hypotheses and/or predicted goals or outcomes.
5. Definition of important or relevant terms.
6. Statement of assumptions.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Writing Center. An abstract is not required.
Topic: Reporting and Evaluating Research
Due Date: Nov 03, 2013 23:59:59
Throughout this course, you will develop an action research proposal. The final proposal will consist of the following components to be developed throughout the course:
1. Problem statement
2. Literature review
3. The proposal
4. Research method
Each component will be submitted to the instructor throughout the course for review and feedback. Use the feedback provided by your instructor to improve upon each component before submitting your final proposal. The final proposal should be complete and look professional, as though you were going to submit it to your supervisor at work for serious review. You are not actually conducting the research, but simply proposing an action research project.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Writing Center. An abstract is not required.

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