Psychology Assignment
This assignment requires you to write essays in response to each of the following: In your own words, describe basic sociological concepts used to differentiate and describe social structures. Provide examples where you feel they may be useful. Describe and critically evaluate sociological theories of crime derived from the structural-functionalist perspective, providing examples. In the context of the new global economy, provide an overview of the conflict perspective with respect to economic inequality. Provide salient and appropriate examples. Sources must be cited in APA format. Rubric Name: Assignment 4 Rubric This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. Criteria Exemplary Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Unacceptable Criterion Score Sociological concepts of social structure 30 points Student provides a clear and logical description of sociological concepts of social structure. Examples are salient and appropriate. 20 points Student provides a mostly clear and logical description of sociological concepts of social structure. Examples are mostly salient and appropriate. 10 points Student provides a weak or unclear description of sociological concepts of social structure. Examples are somewhat salient and appropriate. 0 points Student does not provide a description of sociological concepts of social structure. / 30 Comparison of crime theories derived from the structural-functionalist perspective. 25 points Student provides a clear and accurate comparison of crime theories derived from the structural-functionalist perspective. Examples are salient and appropriate. 16 points Student provides a mostly clear and accurate comparison of crime theories derived from the structural-functionalist perspective. Examples are mostly salient and appropriate. 8 points Student provides a weak or unclear comparison of crime theories derived from the structural-functionalist perspective. Examples are somewhat salient and appropriate. 0 points Student does not provide a comparison of crime theories derived from the structural-functionalist perspective. / 25 Overview of the conflict perspective in the context of globalization. 25 points Student provides a clear and logical overview of the conflict perspective in the context of globalization. Examples are salient and appropriate. 16 points Student provides a mostly clear and logical overview of the conflict perspective in the context of globalization. Examples are mostly salient and appropriate. 8 points Student provides a weak or unclear overview of the conflict perspective in the context of globalization. Examples are somewhat salient and appropriate. 0 points Student does not provide an overview of the conflict perspective in the context of globalization. / 25 Mechanics – Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling 5 points Student makes no errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 4 points Student makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 2 points Student makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 0 points Student makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. / 5 Writing Style – Organization, Transitions, Tone 5 points The assignment is written with excellent organization, thoughtful transitions, and the appropriate tone. 4 points This writing assignment is adequately organized, but has some errors in the transitions or the tone. 2 points This writing assignment is poorly organized, or it contains ineffective transitions and/or inappropriate tone. 0 points This writing assignment displays little to no organization or transitions, and/or does not use the appropriate tone. / 5 APA Format – Margins, Font, Spacing, Headings and cover page. 5 points The margins, font, spacing, headings, and cover page are all formatted properly. 4 points There are 1-2 errors in the formatting of the margins, font, spacing, headings, or cover page. 2 points There are 3-4 errors in the formatting of the margins, font, spacing, headings, or cover page. 0 points There are more than 4 errors in the formatting of the margins, font, spacing, headings, or cover page. / 5 APA Format – Citations and References 5 points All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited, and the references and in-text citations are all properly formatted. Each reference has an in-text citation and in-text citation has a reference. 4 points All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited, but slight errors are present in the format of the in-text citations or references. Or there may be one in-text citation or reference missing. 2 points Some sources used for quotes and facts are either not credible or there are significant errors in the in-text citations and/or references. Or there are multiple missing in-text citations or references. 0 points The sources used for quotes and facts are not credible and/or not cited. The in-text citations and/or references are not present. / 5 Rubric Total Score Total / 100 Book Reference: Understanding Social Problems; 10th Edition. Author: Linda Mooney. Chapters 1,4 & 6.
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