Question 1

  *****  I NEED 3 QUESTIONS TO BE DONE IN 2 Hours ****

Question 1

Explore one aspect of Postmodernist social conflict or social criticism (for example family conflict, job conflict, social criticism of American capitalism or materialism) within Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman. 

This essay needs to be at least 5 Paragraphs (with a minimum of 5 sentences in each paragraph). 

 Question 2

Choose 2 workss from different Harlem Renaissance writers and compare and contrast their themes, settings, and characterizations. 

This essay needs to be at least 3 paragraphs (with a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph).  

Question 3 


Define American Regionalism. How does it connect to American Modernism and coming of age stories?

This essay needs to be at least 2 paragraphs (with at least 5 sentences in each paragraph). 

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