Questions for Chemistry
1. How many significant figures are in the following measurements? 1.900 in 10360 cm 2.00 g 160 ml 160. kg 0.0123 m 2.Conversions and temperature calculations (use correct significant numbers). How many grams in 16.9 pounds? How many inches in 2.9 meters? What is the temperature in Fahrenheit give a temperature of 306 K? 3. Solve the following density problems, report your answers including units AND answer with the correct number of significant numbers. a) What is the density of a liquid with a mass of 23.98 g and volume of 8.8 mL? b) What is the volume of a solid whose density is 4.67 g/cm3 and mass is 110 g? c) What is the mass of a solid if the solid has a density of 7.84 g/mL and a has dimensions of 1.98 cm x 0.74 cm x 1.08 cm. 4. What is the total length of the following measurements in cm? 9.96m, 128.95 mm, 12 dm and 36.1cm?
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