Read and write 2 paragraph, Education homework help
- Read Rae-Dupree’s 2008 newspaper article, “If You’re Open to Growth, You Tend to Grow” from the New York Times.
- Skim O’Rourke, Haimovitz, Ballwebber, Dweck, and Popovic’s 2014 article, “Brain Points: A Growth Mindset Incentive Structure Boosts Persistence in an Educational Game” from the CHI ’14 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
- Open the Writing and Research Worksheet in the Resources. Using the Writing and Research Worksheet, write two paragraphs answering the following questions: What type of information is included in the scholarly article but not in the newspaper article that provides you with a deeper understanding of the topic? How could the scholarly article be more helpful to you when supporting the arguments?
- Using APA style, cite each article at least once in your response and include a reference citation for the New York Times article at the end. Note:
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