Recruitment and Selection
Write a 5–7-page recruitment and selection plan based on best practices and approaches for either Java Corp. or an organization of your choice. Attracting top talent that fits the organization is of considerable importance. The ability to recruit and select talented people is one of the foundational skills for any human resource (HR) professional and one that will be utilized throughout your career. Show Less By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: Competency 1: Apply human resource strategies to business needs. Outline a recruitment process to meet organizational objectives for the selected company. Competency 2: Analyze core functions of human resource management. Analyze the role of the recruiter. Explain an organization’s legal considerations for recruitment and selection functions. Competency 3: Analyze the strategic value of human resource management within a competitive global business environment. Analyze how to measure success of the chosen selection method for the selected company. Competency 4: Communicate effectively in a scholarly and professional manner. Write in a professional style using APA citations and format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics. Preparation For this assessment, research the topics of recruitment and selection. Using the scenario below, analyze best practices and approaches for these key HR functions. A minimum of three resources are required to support your work. You are the new HR manager for Java Corp, which specializes in cold coffee and iced tea. Java Corp. is small but quickly growing. There are 300 employees in the company and the organization has a history of a stable workforce with very limited turnover. Recently, the company gained over 200 employees and there are a number of supervisory and managerial positions that need to be filled. The CEO has asked you to work with her to fill positions based on an organizational structure she has just created. New supervisors and managers are needed in IT (one), marketing (one), operations (two), and security (one). Each of these areas has seasoned internal employees eager to compete for jobs, though some may not be as qualified as external candidates. Develop a recruitment and selection plan that is best suited for this situation and make appropriate recommendations to the CEO. Instructions For this assessment, develop a recruitment and selection plan for the chosen organization. In your plan: Analyze the role of the recruiter. What unique opportunities and challenges are present for the selected company? Outline a recruitment process to meet organizational objectives for the selected company. Include a step-by-step process for the selection of supervisors and managers. Include the best practices that support your recommended best recruitment plan. Consider the use of social media, types of employment tests, and how to conduct effective interviews, for example. Include policies that make the positions more attractive. Explain an organization’s legal considerations for recruitment and selection functions. Analyze how to measure success of the chosen selection method for the selected company What metrics would you use for your selected company? Additional Requirements Your assessment should also meet the following requirements: Length: 5–7 typed, double-spaced pages, in addition to a title page and reference page. Written communication: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and professional. Your writing should be: Concise and logically organized. Free of errors in grammar and mechanics. Validation and support: Use a minimum of three relevant and credible scholarly or professional resources such as the Wall Street Journal to support your work. These resources should not include the resources found in the course. APA format: Format all citations and references in accordance with current APA guidelines.
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