Research Questions In Nursing

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Research Questions In Nursing

Research Questions In Nursing

NR439 week 6 Article critique October 2018 – 00594177
4-6 minutes

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Research Question

Describe, analyze, and summarize the research question for this study your own words.

20.0 pts

Fully describes, analyzes, and summarizes the research question in detail

18.0 pts

Generally, describes, and analyzes the research question.

16.0 pts

Briefly summarizes the research question, but omits some aspects of the question.

8.0 pts

Incorrectly describes the research question.

0.0 pts

Does not describe the research question.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Design of Study

Describe, analyze, and summarize the research design of this study in your own words.

20.0 pts

Fully describes, analyzes, and summarizes the design of the study in detail.

18.0 pts

Generally, describes, and analyzes the design of the study.

16.0 pts

Briefly summarizes the design of the study, but omits some aspects of the design.

8.0 pts

Incorrectly describes the design of the study.

0.0 pts

Does not describe the design of the study.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Sample/Population of the Study

Describe, analyze, and summarize the sample in your own words.

25.0 pts

Fully describes, analyzes, and summarizes the sample used in the study in detail.

22.0 pts

Generally, describes, and analyzes the sample used in the study.

20.0 pts

Briefly summarizes the sample used in the study, but omits some details.

10.0 pts

Incorrectly describes the sample in the study, or omits major details

0.0 pts

Does not describe the sample used in the study.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Data Collection Methods

Describe, analyze, and summarize the data collection method(s)’ in your own words.

25.0 pts

Fully describes, analyzes, and summarizes all of the data collection methods used in the study.

22.0 pts

Generally, describes, and analyzes the majority of data collection methods used in the study.

20.0 pts

Briefly summarizes and describes parts of the data collection method used in the study.

10.0 pts

Incorrectly describes the data collection method used in the study.

0.0 pts

Does not describe the data collection method used in the study.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Limitations

Describe, analyze, and summarize the limitations of the study in your own words.

20.0 pts

Fully describes, analyzes, and summarizes the limitations found in the study in detail.

18.0 pts

Generally, describes, and analyzes the limitations found in the study.

16.0 pts

Briefly summarizes the limitations found in the study.

8.0 pts

Incorrectly describes the limitations found in the study.

0.0 pts

Does not describe the limitations found in the study.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Findings

Describe, analyze, and summarize the findings reported in the study in your own words.

20.0 pts

Fully describes, analyzes, and summarizes the findings of the study in detail.

18.0 pts

Generally, describes, and analyzes the findings of the study.

16.0 pts

Briefly summarizes the findings of the study.

8.0 pts

Incorrectly identifies the findings from the study

0.0 pts

Does not describe the findings of the study.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Summary of Article

Summarize important points from the body of your paper including the key components of the paper and discuss the probability of implementation into practice.

25.0 pts

ummarizes study in detail and states specific rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.

22.0 pts

Generally, summarizes study. Gives broad rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.

20.0 pts

Briefly summarizes study and states rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.

10.0 pts

Minimally summarizes study. Gives poor rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.

0.0 pts

Does not summarize study and does not give rationale for whether a change in practice is warranted.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling/ APA Formatting

No more than 0–3 errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. APA formatting is correct with 0–3 errors.

20.0 pts

No errors in grammar, punctuation, APA, and spelling.

18.0 pts

One to four errors in grammar, spelling.

16.0 pts

Five to eight errors in grammar, spelling, and syntax.

8.0 pts

Nine to twelve errors in grammar, spelling, and syntax.

0.0 pts

Thirteen or more errors to the point where it is difficult to understand the meaning of the student’s writing.

20.0 pts

Total Points: 175.0

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