Response to three of my classmates 150 words TODAY d
Post by Kristie Godin
The nature of the covenant between God and Israel is love. As the Covenant” from Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch states, “Love is never mere sentiment or feeling in Deuteronomy; rather, love expresses itself in obedience (cf. Deut 5:10; 7:9; 10:12-13; 11:1, 13, 22; 19:9; 30:16.). By contrast, disobedience is indicative of a lack of love (Deut 13:3)” God wants the Israelites to obey Him and by doing so they are showing their love and keeping their end of the covenant. It goes on to say, “Not surprisingly, therefore, “the central core of Deuteronomy consists of a long list of obligations which the Israelites were expected to keep” (Alexander 1997a, 167).” God has obligations to fulfill based on the covenant He has in place with them. He wants them to follow and obey these obligations based on the love they have for Him.
Throughout the Old Testament God has forgiven His people for things they have done against them. After the fall of Adam and Eve the people became so sinful God used Noah and his family to start anew. They obeyed Him and in turn after the flood a new covenant was made., God promised not to flood the earth again, and in turn He wanted His people to do what was right out of faith and love. God then freed the Israelites from Egypt and expected them to obey out of love and thankfulness, and yet again they disobeyed. God allowed them to wander and the promised land would be given to them, but they needed to follow God’s commandments. Deuteronomy reminds them that they should follow his commandments because of who they are, “when you obey the Lord your God by observing his commandments and decrees that are written in this book of the law, because you turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul” (Deut. 30:10)
God’s covenant is still present today. He wants His people to follow Him and love Him; to keep His commandments because of our love for Him. He remains true to His people.
Post by Priscilla Scott
1 day agoInitial Response What is the nature of God’s covenant with Israel?
God’s covenant is a sort of unattainable goal for the people of Israel. At first, in Genesis God seems to think that they can follow his new laws. However, by Deuteronomy God and Moses seem to be giving up on thje Isrealites. They tell them that Reflect on the development of God’s covenant beginning in Genesis, and then through Exodus and Deuteronomy.
The covenant began between God and Abraham. God promised to deliver the people of Israel to the promised land if they followed certain rules and regulations that he set out (Genesis 12). God promised that he would lead the people of Israel and that Israel would be “a kingdom of priest” (Genesis 17:7)
In Exodus at the foot of Mount Sinai, Moses basically revisited this covenant with the people of Israel. If Israel followed the rules God had set for them they would lead the rest of the world with their high morals and standards. It is here that Moses gives the people of Israel the ten commandments.
In Deuteronomy standing before the promised land Moses basically tells the people of Israel that will break the covenant with God and eventually be pushes out of the promised land. Moses is basically saying that none of the Israelite’s are good enough to be saved. I believe it is here that God is realizing that none of his people are without sin.
Post by Amy Flores
1 day agoRe: Week 7 | Discussion – A Plan and a Promise
The nature of God’s covenant with Israel goes beyond just an “agreement”, but more so a bond, or a promise. Knowing what Israel needed, and knowing that only God can provide that, created that bond which leads to promises. It is in the nature of our father to want what is best for His children and to want to help. With these promises came certain “obligations” as it is said in “Dictionary of the Old Testament: The Pentateuch”. Throughout the Bible we can see the different promises that were made but also the obligations that men and women had as well. I can see how in a sense this was also a way to give thanks to God and show appreciation for all He did and was to do with not just the people back then, but for the future generations, which include us now.
Reflecting on the three different books there is no doubt that God shows His love to the people. With this eternal love comes duties and different forms of obedience but in the end it was for their own good. In these books we can read about the promises made to Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, Israel, and so on, but we also see the consequences of breaking certain promises or as I mentioned before, bonds.
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