Review this week's Learning Resources, paying particular attention to the AMA article “Informed Consent

prepare for this Discussion: Review this week’s Learning Resources, paying particular attention to the AMA article “Informed Consent” and Chapter 7 in the Judson and Harrison textbook. Download the Week 3 Discussion Scenarios (located in the Learning Resources). Choose two scenarios for your Discussion

Post a comprehensive response to the following: For each scenario, decide if informed consent was obtained properly. If it was, then explain why you think it was. Be specific. If it was not, then explain where in the informed consent process a procedure was not followed. Be specific. For each scenario, explain how you would improve the informed consent process to make sure consent to treat a patient is obtained correctly. Be specific and provide examples. Imagine yourself as a health provider (like the providers in the scenarios). What would you do to make sure that informed consent to treat is always done correctly?

Scenario 1:

John is scheduled for an outpatient hip replacement. He meets with the surgeon one week prior to the surgery. The surgeon explains the procedure and then reviews the risks and benefits with John. On the day of the surgery, while John is being prepped for the procedure, a nurse walks in to obtain his consent to treat. To verify, the nurse asks John if the doctor explained the procedure, including the risks and benefits? John says “no.”  

Scenario 3:

Juan is scheduled for a laparoscopic Lap-Band placement surgery. He meets with the surgeon one week prior to the surgery. The surgeon explains the surgical procedure and how the Lap-Band is used. She asks Juan if he has any questions? Juan says “no.” On the day of the surgery, while Juan is being prepped, a nurse walks in to obtain his consent to treat. To verify, the nurse asks Juan if the doctor explained the procedure, including the risks and benefits. Juan looks surprised and replies, “what risks?”

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