Revulsion: Thomas Bernhard in San Salvador and The Polish Boxer

Compare the readings Revulsion: Thomas Bernhard in San Salvador and The Polish Boxer. It is important that you read it carefully. I have attached a schematic breakdown of the text in a pdf file for you, so that you can have a guide to analyzing how the text is put together. (One paragraph)


I also want you to write a one page response to the following questions:

How does the monologue function in the text? In other words, why do you think the author, Castellanos Moya, decided to utilize the monologue as a literary technique in this text? What does it allow him to do? Why not employ a narrator that tells us, the readers, what is going on? Make sure to provide concrete examples from the text that demonstrate “what” the monologue allows Castellanos Moya to “do.” 

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