Ryerson University Mathematics Chapter Problems & Exercises

Ryerson University Mathematics Chapter Problems & Exercises

Ryerson University Mathematics Chapter Problems & Exercises


PROBLEM SET 14.1 22. Re z dz, C the parabola y = 1 + }(x – 1)2 from с 1 + i to 3 + 3i – 23. I e dz, C the shortest path from Ti to 2Ti C 1-10 FIND THE PATH and sketch it. 1. z(t) = (1 + ži)t (2 3155) 2. z(t) = 3 + i + (1 – i)t(0 =t=3) 3. z(t) = 1 + 2it2 (1 5152) 4. z(t) = 1 + (1 – t)?i (-1511) 5. z(t) = 3 – į + V10e -it (0 = t = 2TT) 6. z(t) = 1 + i + e-tit (0
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