Samsung Electronics

PLEASE DO NOT RUN THROUGH PLAGIARISM CHECKER.  I WILL HAVE TO DO IT MYSELF SINCE MY UNIVERSITY RUNS IT THROUGH AS WELL. Brand analysis research on Samsung electronics   Brand Analysis- demonstrate a solid understanding of the company’s Brand…research was high quality and current   Brand Identity- demonstrate a solid understanding of a company’s brand identity   While you will need to read about the types of products and/or services your firm (Samsung) provides and learn about their market share and competitor, you will also need to understand the company’s brand and brand identity.  demonstrate a good understanding of a typical marketing problem, through clear identification of the problem and careful analysis   Be sure to do a thorough review of your firm…this is the foundation of your marketing research.  If you don’t know your companies background and brand, you will not create an effective marketing plan. For more information and grading rubrics, please review the Course Project Overview page in Introduction & Resources.

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