San Diego Mesa College Is Killing Another Person Justified if It Is for Military Purposes Paper

Is Killing Another Person Justified if It Is for Military Purposes


Is Killing Another Person Justified if It Is for Military Purposes?

In the Week 3 assignment, “Applying an Ethical Theory,” you explained utilitarianism, deontology, or virtue ethics, including its core moral principle or ideal, and applied that theory to the topic by demonstrating how its principles would support a particular position on your ethical question.

In this final written assignment, you will combine what you have done in these two exercises by examining an ethical issue and defending your own position on an ethical question regarding that issue.

This final written assignment should be written in essay form with the following clearly labeled sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Ethical Argument
  3. Explanation and Defense
  4. Objection and Response
  5. Conclusion

The paper should be between 1,300 and 1,500 words, utilize three scholarly resources, and include a title page and reference page.

  • Introduce the topic and paper.
  • Provide a thesis statement.
  • Present an argument in support of the position.
  • Defend the argument by explaining and applying the ethical theory that most closely aligns with the argument.
  • Present an objection to the argument by appealing to a different ethical theory.
  • Respond to the objection.
  • Provide a conclusion that describes what was accomplished in each of the sections of the paper.

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