Santa Monica College 2 Dimensional Array C++ Programming Project

Santa Monica College 2 Dimensional Array C++ Programming Project

Santa Monica College 2 Dimensional Array C++ Programming Project






write in c++

Space accordingly



In the space provided below write a C++ program that asks the user to enter their quarterly earnings for the past two years, and then stores the data in a 2-dimensional array. The program then computes both the annual earnings as well as the total earning and prints the results along with the 2-dimensional array on screen.

Using the embed icon shown above, also include screenshots demoing the execution of your program.


Problem 2:


  1. Each student should individually write a C++ program that displays grades of students using a class that contains the following members: one midterm score, one final score, and one lab project score. The class also contains a member function that finds the average of the three scores and displays a grade based on that average (A for 90 and above, B for 80 and above, C for 70 and above, D for 60 and above, and F for anything less than 60).

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