Saudi Electronic University Information Technology Management Paper

Saudi Electronic University Information Technology Management Paper

Information Technology Management Paper

Introduction to IT & IS


Annual Report

FY [Year]

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Learning Outcome 6:

Demonstrate the basic concepts of computer hardware and software.








1.5 Marks

Question One

Distributed or grid computing in general is a special type of parallel computing that relies on complete computers connected to a network by a conventional network interface. Briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the distributed or grid computing.


1.25 Marks

Learning Outcome 6:

Demonstrate the basic concepts of computer hardware and software.








Question Two

Is the right choice of peripherals technologies can make all the difference in computing? Explain your answer.





1.25 Marks
Learning Outcome 6:

Demonstrate the basic concepts of computer hardware and software.







Question Three

Programming languages are a major category of system software. They require the use of a variety of programming packages to help programmers develop computer programs and language translator programs to convert programming language instructions into machine language instruction codes. Discuss the five major levels of programming languages?



1 Marks
Learning Outcome 6:

Demonstrate the basic concepts of computer hardware and software.





Question Four

An operating system is an integrated system of programs that supervises the operation of the CPU, controls the input/output storage functions of the computer system, and provides various support services. Discuss the four basic functions performs by the operating system?


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