script coverage


Analyst: Your name here

Script Title: Anchorman

Script Author: Who wrote the script?

Pages: How many pages is the script?

Genre: Comedy/Adventure (or Horror, Sci Fi, Drama)?

Circa: Present Day (or Future or Past)?

Locale: Where does it take place?


A one or two sentence description of the story. What’s the premise?


1 page synopsis of the script.

Story. What is happening? Is the story clear? Is the super-objective evident (is the main character(s) goal clear?)

Characters. Who are the main characters? Describe them. Are they fully developed? Believable? What makes you care about them? Do any of the characters change over the course of the script?

Structure. Is there an inciting incident? In other words what is the hook? Does it happen within the first 10 minutes? Plot points, clear story changes that resemble acts (Act 1, Act 2, Act 3)?

Tension. What’s at stake? Life and death situation are the most dramatic. Does the concept create the potential for the characters lives to be changed?

In the script for ANCHORMAN who or what is The Alarm Clock?

How does the story it end?


Did you like the premise? Is the premise naturally intriguing — or just average, demanding perfect execution? Is the concept original? Defend your answer.

Was the story original? What did you like about this script? What can be improved?

Who is the target audience? Would your parents go see it?

Did you like the script? Why?

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