SO 111 Grantham Wk 3 Perceptions of Deviance Crime Victims & Justice Discussion




Task 1

Perceptions of Deviance, Crime, Victims, and Justice

The media informs many viewers of deviance and crime, victims of crime, and justice in society. Consider and describe the following:

  • Where do you get your information about:
    • Deviant behavior
    • Crime
    • Victims of crime
    • Justice for victims
  • Describe your perception of
    • Deviant behavior
      • What behavior is deviant according to your values?
    • Crime
      • What do you believe is the root or cause of crime?
      • What types of crimes do you believe happen most?
      • Who do you believe commits crime?
    • Victims of crime
      • Who do you believe is likely to be a victim?
      • Have you ever been fearful of a crime occurring to you or your        family?
      • What do you believe about victims that you hear about?
    • Justice for victims
      • How do you see justice handled in our society?
      • What form of punishment do you see as being effective or        ineffective?

Task 2

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Now that you’ve learned the importance of academic integrity and how to use APA style, it’s time to put your skills into motion! For this assignment, you will read the chapter Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Avoiding Plagiarism and create a short summary on the reading. Within your summary, you will need to cite appropriately using in-text citations.

Your assignment must meet the following requirements in order to pass with a 100%:

  • Cite information appropriately
  • Write a signal phrase
  • Create a parenthetical in-text citation
  • Quote and paraphrase the eBook correctly


Explanation & Answer length: 3 pages

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