Social Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Behavior
1. “Over the past century, researchers have studied business entrepreneurs extensively. In contrast, social entrepreneurs have received little attention. Historically, they have been cast as humanitarians or saints, and stories of their work have been passed down more in the form of children’s tales than case studies. While the stories may inspire, they fail to make social entrepreneurs’ methods comprehensible. One can analyse an entrepreneur, but how does one analyse a saint?.” Discuss and critically analyse this statement through theory and where appropriate illustrate with real world practice-based examples of social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial behaviour. Guidelines · Your essay should offer explanation, description and critical analysis. · The work limit is 4,500 words, this does not include references. · To help you structure your work, have a look at the assessment criteria below: Core theory has been included and augmented by contemporary and related works and integrated in a critical manner. Technical application of theory is consistently strong throughout with no significant errors evident. Key points relating to the entrepreneurial situation are included and augmented with additional insight demonstrated and evaluated in the light of a range of appropriate theory. Points are critically supported by practice based evidence or from theory. The work directly, clearly and consistently addresses the requirements of the assessment with a high degree of insight. The work is progressively structured with arguments logically arranged and key themes developed and explored · Use a variety of sources to gather your information/data. · Always reference your work using the Harvard referencing system – information relating to referencing is available in the library and on the skills for learning web pages. This is an academic essay: you are therefore expected to engage with appropriate literature to build and substantiate your arguments and are required to fully reference all materials used. Your essay should take into account issues around the small business environment, enterprise and entrepreneurship. You should critically review literature on enterprise, entrepreneurship, business creation and/or innovation. Finally, it is important to provide your own reflection and own interpretation of your findings. Notes: 1. The Individual Essay represents 70% of the assessment for the module. You can check on the required format for a report on Skills for Learning. 2. Throughout your work you should make reference to small businesses, enterprise and entrepreneurship concepts, models and frameworks. 3. All sources need to be clearly and accurately referenced using Harvard referencing format.
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