Social Work

Self-reflexivity is a core practice within social work. Please provide a critical reflection on how your positionality informs your academic and professional aspirations. Stated differently, please speak to who you are and where you come from informs your worldview and your intentions and motivations for your social work education and practice. Be sure to speak to issues of power, privilege, and oppression. Please note that the statement is not simply to describe your positionality but to also make critical links between your positionality and lived experiences and your aspirations for your social work education and future practice. Positionality refers to your personal, social, political location. Including but not limited to indigency, race, ability, class, gender, and sexual identity. Additionally, with your statement please incorporate what the concepts of decolonization, anti-racism, intersectionality, and equality mean to you. Please refrain from simply stating definitions of these concepts, but rather discuss how you would engage with these concepts in relation to your social work education and practice.  Maximum # of words allowed is 650. 

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