Solve for the Mathematical Problems

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  1. John began his job making $25 the first day. After that he was paid $6.75 per hour. y = 6.75x + 25. Use x-values: 0
  1. A membership to Movie Night Movie Club costs $10, plus $2 per movie. y = 2x +10. Use x-values: 0, 5, and 10.

  1. You are using 0.05 gallons per mile of a SUV gas tank that holds 16 gallons. y = – 0.05x + 16. (Or, if you wish you may use
    y = 16 – 0.05x. They are the same equation.) Use x-values: 0, 160, and 320.
  1. The temperature was 56 degrees this morning, but dropped one degree per hour through the rest of the day. Y = – x + 56. (OR, you may use Y = 56 – x. They are the same equation.) Use x-values: 0, 5, and 10.
  1. Your weight-lifting class cost you a $20 fee up front, and $5.50 per class. y = 5.50x + 20. Use x-values: 0, 10, and 20.

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