Strategic Recommendations Discussion Question
This assignment is due Friday March 25th by 11:59PM EST. The company I chose for my project is Virgin. I have attached the previous assignments that give insight to this question as well. This is a discussion question and only needs to be around 200 words or so.
Strategic Recommendations
Activity Context
This discussion helps you to develop the skills to mater the following course competencies:
- Analyze the strategic elements of organizations and their external environment applying theories and models of strategy.
- Create a comprehensive organizational strategy assessment.
Activity Instructions
This discussion will help you further your knowledge of strategic development by:
- Analyzing strategic issues.
- Formulating and proposing strategic changes for the project firm.
“Strategy has two major dimensions: positioning for the present and adapting to the future” (Jordon & Grant, p. 170). In adapting to strategic change, structures, systems, and culture are the most stable parameters of an organizational design and those that are malleable in crafting a strategic change.
For this discussion, consider changing one or more of these elements for a critical strategic issue you have identified for your project firm. Then, craft a strategic recommendation that your project firm could realize in no more than six months.
Grant, R. M., & Jordan, J. (2015). Foundations of strategy (2nd ed.). West Sussex, UK: Wiley & Sons
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