Stratford University Culture Diversity and Language Discussion

Stratford University Culture Diversity and Language Discussion

Culture Diversity and Language Discussion


Task 4 – Culture, Diversity and Language

Write a 2-3 page (double-spaced) analysis paper about the relationship between language, diversity, and culture, based on your analysis of the proverbs and folk tales. Structure your paper using the below guideline:

  • INTRODUCTION (1 paragraph): Include a thesis statement where you make a claim about the relationship between language, culture, and diversity.
  • BODY (3-4 paragraphs): Write 1-3 paragraphs using your analysis of proverbs to support your argument, and 1-3 paragraphs using your analysis of folk tales to support your argument. Organize your paragraphs in the order that makes most logical sense.
  • CONCLUSION (1 paragraph): Restate your thesis. Explain why thinking about language helps us understand and value diversity.

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