Taking Stock of What You Know
You’ve been doing a lot of reading so far this semester. You’ve read about how to read better. You’ve read to learn about rhetorical analysis, genre and how to analyze pieces. Now it is time to take all you’ve learned and begin to put it into action in the form of your genre analysis. But first, you’ll need to read some more and learn some more, this time about citation, so you can appropriately incorporate any quotes or paraphrases in your piece. READ & ANNOTATE AND WATCH READ AND ANNOTATE A CHAPTER FROM CRITICAL READING, CRITICAL WRITING: Chapter 7, “How and Why to Cite,” (Links to an external site.) Annotate the chapter using the methods discussed in Chapter 1 (Links to an external site.) . WATCH THIS VIDEO LECTURE ON IN-TEXT CITATION If the presentation won’t load the video, copy/paste this link into your browser: https://youtu.be/erM4t7XCEDc (Links to an external site.) WATCH THIS INFORMATION LITERACY TUTORIAL: WRITE Part 1: Now it is time to begin making a plan for your first essay. First, spend some time brainstorming what genre you will be writing about and picking a piece to analyze. See the Examples of Genres (contains a huge list!) page and the Checklist for Choosing a Genre if you need help deciding. Once you know what you will be analyzing put a link to the piece at the top of a Word or Google Doc. Part 2: Now it is time to look critically at the piece you will be analyzing. Follow the Steps for Analyzing a Particular Genre to help you make decisions about what you will say about your genre piece. Then create an outline for your paper. Click this link to see Student Samples: Analyzing a Genre. Before the first essay is an example of an outline/plan a student would create before composing the essay. Post your outline on the document after the link to your genre piece. Requirements: Word or Google doc, double spaced, 12pt font
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