The Role of People and Technology in Curriculum Development

Position Paper: Write a 4 page paper using the following specific format guidelines. 12 times Roman font,  1 inch margins, double-spaced, left justification, header that includes name, date, assignment number, page number top right, references in APA format, 3 sources cited including 2 from other than course materials. Page 1 Title Page with running head Page 2 and page 3- content and  your position; have an opening paragraph and a closing or conclusion Page 4 Reference List in APA format Address the Following Statements Specifically: 1) Does technology change the way teachers teach; why or why not? 2) Does technology offer educators effective ways to reach different types of learners and assess student understanding through multiple means? Provide one specific example from your own experiences as teacher, parent, administrator or from other personal anecdotes. 3) Does technology enhance the relationship between teacher and student; why or why not? 4) How can you ensure that technology is effectively integrated into content rather than being an add-on?

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