The State of X has a policy that allows state officials to…
The State of X has a policy that allows state officials to…
The State of X has a policy that allows state officials to…
The State of X has a policy that allows state officials to confiscate
property that they “reasonably believe” to have been purchased from funds connected to illegal drug sales. The Protect our Rights Association has data showing that his provision is used much more frequently in certain areas of the state where the residents are predominately African-American or Hispanic. The purpose of the Association is to protect the constitutional rights of citizens in State X. It has members in the areas where property has been taken by police officers, and knows that at least one member had some property taken under this policy. It does not know if others have had their property taken.
The Association held some protests about the policy, and publicly threatened to sue the State. In response, the State announced that it will temporarily stop implementing the policy.
The Association contacts your office about suing the State in federal court for violations of the constitutional rights of its members. It does not believe that the State will actually stop implementing the policy. They want to sue for monetary damages and injunctive relief that requires the State to stop implementing the policy in a discriminatory fashion.
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